RCL 2022-2023

Category RCL II

RCL V: Learn WHY Everyone is Different

For my Advocacy Project, I want to encourage people to learn about other cultures and backgrounds. The world is so wonderfully diverse and rich with information and values that I feel people miss out on discovering fascinating traditions simply because… Continue Reading →

RCL IV: Donate Here! No One Will Know!

https://www.nraila.org/  The website I’m choosing to focus on for this post is the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). The NRA is a far-right interest group lobbying for gun rights. I specifically chose their lobbying arm (the ILA)… Continue Reading →

RCL III: Can’t Afford to Get Better

Congress needs to increase price controls on pharmaceutical companies. This all started when my mom told me that we couldn’t get another refill of my prescription allergy medication because it costs too much. And then my friend told me how… Continue Reading →

RCL II: Mix it Up Please

As an Asian American, diversity in media has always been something important to me (see my PAS threads for more of my thoughts). Growing up it wasn’t something I cared to take note of too much, but I think it’s… Continue Reading →

RCL I: Model Walk, not Model Fall

https://people.com/style/supermodel-kristen-mcmenamy-falls-on-valentino-runway-throws-off-her-shoes/ I chose to discuss the recent runway fall of Kristen McMenamy and the several sides of support and distaste for herself and Valentino.  The site linked above addresses the comments of the original Twitter post and thread that I… Continue Reading →

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