
Just another Sites At Penn State site
This exercise is made to work on using layers to overlay images. So someone can take a part of a picture and put it on different part like someone wearing a mask
This exercise is meant to help better understand working with layers. They can be added on top of one another and give a see-through effect. This is to help be prepared for the roundRobin remix.
This is my Mandala based on space. I used hexagons to lay the foundation for where I would place the planets. Some of the stars where placed to add to the space feel of the piece.
This is my scan for the next project. I used highlighters and my keys. i moved the highlighters along with the scanner to create a sort of warped effect.
This piece is based on the poem “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Black Bird”. I took inspiration from a couple of stanzas. The ones that stood out to me the most were incorporated to be like one picture instead of doing seperate ones.
Understanding color is a big factor for the final mandala project. This exercise helps to understand how to work with color in illustrator.
This exercise was meant to think outside the box when working with letters. Instead of only using them for statements they can be made into art.
I have an idea of where I want to go with this but not sure how I’ll execute it. I don’t think it’ll be difficult but it’s about getting it done on time.