Useful links

Genetics, Genomics and Proteomics
Ensembl: Genome information
Jackson’s lab: wild type and mutant mouse collection
MMRRCmutant mouse collection
IGTC: International gene-trap consortium
Knockout mouse project/:browse and order targeted ES cell lines
Proteomics: Protein/peptide analysis
IMPC: Find phenotypes of KOMP mice here
Chlamy Center:Resources for the flagellated green alga
GWAS: Genome wide association with human diseases
Molecular Biology
NCBI: Search Pubmed, DNA and protein sequences, BLAST, etc
Ciliome: Search for cilia-related genes
SMART: search functional domains in a protein
Primer3: Primer design tool
DSHB: search and order monoclonal antibodies
Phosphorylation site prediction
Finnzyme Tm _calculator: critical for optimal Phusion PCR
BioGrid: Protein Interaction network based on published data
Teal: read Sanger sequencing file (.ab1)
Gene Expression Resource
Allen Brain Atlas: Gene expression patterns in the brain
Gene Expression Database: Quantitative gene expression data in various organs
Protein Atlas: antibody-based analysis of protein localization
eMouseAtlas: Kaufman’s Mouse Atlas, plus gene expression data
PSU Links
PSU iLab:Link to all PSU facilities
Biology Department
Huck Institute of Life Sciences
MicroscopyU: Do-it-yourself guide on microscopy
IDEXX: pathogen test for animals and cells