Animation and Cinematography

I am planning to write about animation and cinematography for my passion blog. I have always enjoyed watching anime and analyzing how characters and stories are portrayed by the usage of visuals and sound. I have already started my first blog post on the anime Ping Pong the Animation. Each blog post will generally look at one point of interest in an anime and talk about it in length, including pictures and clips of the show.

Another subject I will probably write about are the cinematographic techniques of Satoshi Kon, particularly his use of match cuts to blend dreams and reality.

One thought on “Animation and Cinematography”

  1. Hey Andrew,
    That seems like a really interesting topic. I haven’t watched much anime so far in my life, although, I definitely appreciate the influences anime has had on other shows. I feel like you can do a lot of interesting analysis with this topic. From what I’ve heard, Anime is often really complex and has deep meaning. I think this is a perfect topic.

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