Having a good layout for a website is important to keep the user coming back. Using grid based design is a good way to ensure that the site’s design will be well received. However, there are some cases when breaking grid-based design works in the designers favor.
Successful grid-based design: Target.com
Target’s website is a successful example of grid-based design. The website is for online shopping and finding information about Targets near you. At the top of the page it features a heading which contains elements that a person would most likely come to the site for. For example it has a categories tab that allows for narrowing your search and a deals tab which coupons or what may be on sale. The major colors used for the site is white, red, and black. Target is known for its use of the color red which makes the color choices fitting and the use of red helps highlight certain features or deals. When you scroll down the categories on display are in rows and columns and follow grid-based design. The use of white space helps guide the user’s eyes to the different categories. The designer may have made this design choice in order to keep the attention of the user and to give them a pleasant experience with the site. The site creates a calm mood through its structure and simple design. This design is successful because a user can come to this site and easily find what they are looking for and not feel overwhelmed since the design is simple and straightforward.
Breaks grid-based design: Mars-colony.life
Mars-Colony.com is an example of a website that “breaks the grid” while still being a successful design. The website is for showing that colonizing mars is a hypothetical solution to overpopulation of earth. The site has a black background and white text. The various images and diagrams shown on the site are animated and appear as you scroll down the page. Also, a timeline of potential events leading up to the colonization of Mars is shown as you scroll. This creates a mood that is intriguing. The designer may have chosen to design the website this way because it helps you envision the process that they are talking about. Also, the design keeps the user interested since things are moving and appearing as you scroll down.
Overall bad design layout: MGBD Parts & Services
MGBD Parts & Services is a site for buying car parts in the UK. The overall design is very cluttered and it’s hard to focus on one thing. The color scheme choice is not a good pick since the red is overbearing. Also, menu options are almost hidden since the text is placed on top of a picture of a car. The design is not successful because it is hard to understand the site at first glance and there seems to be no order in the site’s design. The site’s designer seemed to be trying to appeal to their user base with the amount of car images they used and the color scheme. However, the final design comes across as cluttered and can be difficult for the user to use.
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