The Little Mermaid

Now, now, now… Please don’t go and lose immediate interest in this post. I have my reasons for reviewing this particular movie right now. First, it’s a classic Disney princess movie. It may not be quite as old and classic as some of the others, but people today still consider Ariel to be a classic […]


Now, now… Don’t get all judgmental just because of the name or because of anything you’ve previously heard about this horribly rendered, hilarious, poorly written, illogical, b-list movie. Now yes, this movie bad. Like really, really, REALLY bad, but before you write it off as a waste of time and something to avoid when picking […]

Safety Not Guaranteed

Safety Not Guaranteed is hilarious. And charming. And a tiny bit sad. And uplifting. Basically, Safety Not Guaranteed is the perfect combination of romance, science fiction, and comedy, but also tinged with the loss of innocence to stir up just the right amount of drama. The actors chosen for these roles were cast perfectly, all […]

Seven Psycopaths

Seven Psychopaths is a MUST SEE. Okay, if you get really queasy and can’t take graphic violence, maybe you should steer clear, but otherwise GO RENT OR DOWNLOAD IT RIGHT NOW. It might have made it’s way into my short list of favorite movies. It’s action packed, so you’ll never get bored, provides hilarious, dark […]

Moonrise Kingdom

Moonrise Kingdom follows two young 12 year olds, Sam and Suzy, on their path to be together. After meeting only once, and countless letters back and forth, Sam and Suzy have decided that they are in love, and with neither one living the ideal home life for a child, they decide to run away together […]

American Psycho

Based on Bret Easton Ellis’s novel, American Psycho, features Christian Bale as the unstable, completely erratic, and psychotic Patrick Bateman, a Wall Street executive obsessed with the shallow facets of society like fashion and fitness, while moonlighting as a serial killer. The movie exemplifies the dark and extremely violent satire of America in the 1980’s while […]


I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the Truman Capote book In Cold Blood, but it is revered as Capote’s best literary work. It follows the story of the two murderers of the  Clutters, a wealthy farming family, found slain in their home, from before the crime is committed till after the offenders […]

Green Street Hooligans

This past weekend was my 18th birthday and my clueless, somewhat insulting brother finally got me a gift I can really enjoy. About a month before I came to school, my older brother moved to Virginia, stealing almost every single DVD in our household and taking it with him, leaving me utterly movie-less. Luckily for […]

The GREAT Gatsby

The Great Gatsby. A classic work of literature by F. Scott Fitzgerald that had already been poorly translated into film in 1974 with Robert Redford as Jay Gatsby and was trashed by critics for its superficiality and “blind faithfulness” to the novel. Knowing this, when it was announced another attempt would be made to recreate […]

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