2 thoughts on “Will online school be the same?

  1. I know I personally am not enjoying the online classes. I acknowledge that a lot of hardwork is going in on all directions from all people, however nothing can truly replace the impact that learning something in person has. I personally feel like I am working harder than I worked in college and am actually learning and comprehending less than I normally would. I am counting down the days until we can get back to learning in person because I notice not only is my mood better when I am not staring at a screen all day but I also feel better with the daily interactions I have with everyone there.

  2. As a freshman engineering student, this situation could not be better as I am trying to get the last of the weed-out courses done. Next semester I will be starting my actual courses titled “Electrical Engineering” and I definitely look forward to that. As for the current courses, I get to choose whether the grade counts towards my GPA or not because of the pass or fail ideal. This is amazing because I barely made the requirement last semester because of having more difficult courses than everyone else.

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