Traveling 101

Traveling has been gaining popularity in recent years. With the chance to explore a new environment and experience a different culture, it can an extremely rewarding experience. However, it can be a bit overwhelming, especially when traveling abroad. To get the most out of your trip, here are a few tips to plan your adventure.  


  1. Research  

With each country comes a different set of rules and customs. Hence, it is a necessity to research the location you are planning on traveling to. For instance, in Japan due to social stigma around tattoos, those with tattoos will face certain restrictions, such as not being allowed to enter their world-famous hot springsRules like these are common knowledge for locals, but not as much for foreigners. Being well informed about local rules and customs will allow for a fun trip without having problemsIf you are really worried about this, then you might consider hiring a travel company that will do all the research and plan your trip for you, making sure there are no complications.  

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typical travel companies


2. Finance

The sad reality is that travel can be extremely expensive. With so many expenses, such as flight tickets, accommodations, meals, spending money and local attractions, the cost can pile up. A great way to limit this is to budget. Creating a strict budget and plan your trip well in advance will insure you pay the lowest price. Budget travel agencies can help with this as well. Another way to cut down on costs is to find unique accommodations, such as a home-stay or a hostel, which are not only cheap, but also a great way to interact with localsYou could also travel to a budget friendly country, which are relatively cheaper to travel to compared to the traditional travel locations. These countries include many AsianSouth American and East European countries, such as India, Croatia and Chile.  

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an example of a travel budget

3. Be Prepared 

Traveling also requires months of preparation. It takes time to create the perfect itinerary, find the perfect accommodations and find the best attractions. Make sure to start at least three months in advance. Countries will also have their own set of qualifications to enter the country. Many countries will require visa to enter. A United States Passport comes with many perks such as onarrival visas, however, make sure to check here to see the different requirements for each countryMake sure to apply for a visa months in advance for the country you attend to travel to. Applying a few months in advance will insure it will come in on time for your flight. Also traveling abroad can expose you to diseases and illnesses not common in your home country. To make sure you stay safe, you must ensure all your vaccines are up to date and you receive any additional ones. Inform your healthcare provider that you will be going to a foreign country. They will provide you with a list of tips and make sure you are medically prepared for your trip. You can also check here to see what is recommends. Also make sure to constantly check here to see the current situation in the country you are planning on visiting to make sure it is safe. 


And last, but not least… HAVE FUN! 


Traveling is a great way to make sense of this huge world. Places worlds apart are much more similar than you think, and you realize that when you travel. Going to a different country with its own language and customs can be a shock, but it will change you in a positive way. It might seem scary at first, but the people you’ll meet and the memories you will make will be unforgettable. So, feed your wanderlust and stay safe with these tips! Travel On… 

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