Lost in Translation

Traveling to the different country can be very dauntingespecially if you don’t speak the language. A language barrier can be something that not many people know how to overcome, however, it should deter you from traveling to a country. It can seem very intimidating at first, but I’m here to help. Here are a few tips and tricks for when you’re traveling to a country that does not speak language you know. 

Prepare ahead 

Now I know it is completely impossible to pick up a language in a week or month before you plan on going on your tripBut you can make your trip a little bit easier by learning a few basic phrases and words in the language of the country that you’re going to visit. Learn how to say hello,” “yes, no,” “Do you speak English? What’s your name?” or other simple phrases. This will make your trip so much easier. This will also make it easier for natives to understand you, and they will definitely appreciate the added effort. 

Image result for language learning apps

These are common apps that will help you learn basic phrases in a certain language.

Translation Apps/Books  

Translation apps and books are a great resource to have with you. Apps are a great way to communicate, and you can use audio recording to directly speak into them rather than typing out long phrases. However, there could be a problem with the translation, and you can get the wrong translation, which is especially common with Google Translate. There could also be a problem with cell service in the country you going to. A translation book could easily solve the cell service problem; however, it can be inconvenient going through a large book and looking up each individual word. These are helpful backup toolthat can help you; however, you should not rely solely on an app or book. Make sure to prepare ahead, and you can carry a book to ease you nerves.  

Carry Important Documents and Addresses  

Now sometimes even with preparing ahead and translation apps, it can be difficult to speak to the localsSo, a great way to help in that kind of situation is to carry important documentationsI highly recommend you always carry your passport as well as travel insurance. It’s also very important that you keep a document with all the locations you will be visiting as well as their addresses. This will help you if you will be relying on public transportation or a taxi.  

All in all, traveling can be a bit daunting if you don’t know the language, but it is not impossible. With the world globalizing, there are more and more English speakers in foreign countries. So, don’t let the language barrier deter you from traveling because it is very easy to overcome. So, have fun, stay safe and step out of your comfort zone. 

Image result for signs with english and french

Many countries have signs that include multiple languages, such as this sign from Canada, which includes and English and French Translation.

2 Thoughts.

  1. Well with this pandemic going on, I doubt I will be traveling to any other country for the time being. However, I was trying to go abroad to Germany to connect with my people a little more. A lot of Germans speak English, especially in Berlin, where I was planning on traveling. Unfortunately, I got denied from IES because of being a freshman, but now no one can travel so that definitely makes me feel a little better.

  2. This is a cool post and it reminded me I need to start using duolingo again. It is so helpful to just know some simple phrases when you go to a foreign county, like where is the bathroom or how are you. Also, carrying important documents is essential, I always bring a copy of my birth certificate and a picture of my passport just in case.

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