Joyous Japan

Japan has become a popular tourist attraction in recent years. and is continuingIt has an interesting dynamic, mixing ancient culture with the newest technological innovations. The 2020 summer Olympics were supposed be held in Japan; however, it was delayed due to Covid-19. So, I decided to talk about Japan today, because it is on my bucket list of countries to visit, and hopefully once Covid-19 is over, people can visit for the Olympic games.  



Well of course almost everybody knows the high-tech city of Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan. It is known for its advanced technology and is one of the most populated cities in the world. It is known for its amazing food and Michelin star chiefs, like Kanda. When in Tokyo, visit the iconic Tokyo Tower, which is featured in many movies. You can also stop by one of the most popular and recognizable temples in Japan, the Sensō-jiTokyo is also home to the busiest street crossing in the world, the Shibuya crossing. Tokyo is also known for its fashion. The streets are filled with high end fashion, and the streets are also filled with local goods. And for the night, you can stay in one of the famous capsule hotels, which are small little tubes where people sleep, which are much more affordable and sometimes even more luxurious than hotels.  

Shibuya Crossing - Tourist in Japan

Shibuya Crossing



To taking a break from the bustling city of Tokyo, you can visit Osaka which is still large, but not nearly as big as Tokyo. It is known for its lush greenery, natural attractions, historical attraction, old Shinto shrines and temples. When in Osaka, visit the Tsuyuten shrine, which is a famous Shinto which is visited by lovers for good luck. You can also visit the Osaka Castlean ancient castle, which is now a tourist attraction and museum. You can also visit Daisen park, which is famous for its calm gardens and tea house. Here, you can try some famous Japanese Green Tea, a local delicacy and tourist must have.  

Osaka Castle (Osaka-jo) | Guide, Location and Hotels | MYSTAYS

Osaka Castle


This city is even smaller than Osaka, and not as popular as Osaka or Kyoto, however, I had to include it because it contains my favorite attraction in Japan that I have always wanted to visit. This is where Mount Fuji is located, which is the highest volcano in Japan and the second highest volcano in all of Asia. Is so high that the peak is covered in snow all year round. It is so important to the Japanese people that UNESCO World Heritage site June 22nd, 2013There are many different paths to the top of the mountain, and I have personally always wanted to climb to the top. 

Mount Fuji | Facts, Location, & Eruptions | Britannica

Mount Fuji

All in all, Japan is a wonderful, with the unique overlapping ancient cultured and technologyIt contains many famous attractions and some of the best food in the world. I only talked about three cities; however, you can easily spend months visiting all of Japan. I highly recommend Japan for someone who wants to witness a country with a unique culture and wants to step up their comfort zone, since it is so different from the United States. So, I hope tourists will be allowed back into Japan soon, so we can experience firsthand, the beauty of Japan.  

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