Joyous Japan

Japan has become a popular tourist attraction in recent years. and is continuingIt has an interesting dynamic, mixing ancient culture with the newest technological innovations. The 2020 summer Olympics were supposed be held in Japan; however, it was delayed due to Covid-19. So, I decided to talk about Japan today, because it is on my bucket list of countries to visit, and hopefully once Covid-19 is over, people can visit for the Olympic games.  



Well of course almost everybody knows the high-tech city of Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan. It is known for its advanced technology and is one of the most populated cities in the world. It is known for its amazing food and Michelin star chiefs, like Kanda. When in Tokyo, visit the iconic Tokyo Tower, which is featured in many movies. You can also stop by one of the most popular and recognizable temples in Japan, the Sensō-jiTokyo is also home to the busiest street crossing in the world, the Shibuya crossing. Tokyo is also known for its fashion. The streets are filled with high end fashion, and the streets are also filled with local goods. And for the night, you can stay in one of the famous capsule hotels, which are small little tubes where people sleep, which are much more affordable and sometimes even more luxurious than hotels.  

Shibuya Crossing - Tourist in Japan

Shibuya Crossing



To taking a break from the bustling city of Tokyo, you can visit Osaka which is still large, but not nearly as big as Tokyo. It is known for its lush greenery, natural attractions, historical attraction, old Shinto shrines and temples. When in Osaka, visit the Tsuyuten shrine, which is a famous Shinto which is visited by lovers for good luck. You can also visit the Osaka Castlean ancient castle, which is now a tourist attraction and museum. You can also visit Daisen park, which is famous for its calm gardens and tea house. Here, you can try some famous Japanese Green Tea, a local delicacy and tourist must have.  

Osaka Castle (Osaka-jo) | Guide, Location and Hotels | MYSTAYS

Osaka Castle


This city is even smaller than Osaka, and not as popular as Osaka or Kyoto, however, I had to include it because it contains my favorite attraction in Japan that I have always wanted to visit. This is where Mount Fuji is located, which is the highest volcano in Japan and the second highest volcano in all of Asia. Is so high that the peak is covered in snow all year round. It is so important to the Japanese people that UNESCO World Heritage site June 22nd, 2013There are many different paths to the top of the mountain, and I have personally always wanted to climb to the top. 

Mount Fuji | Facts, Location, & Eruptions | Britannica

Mount Fuji

All in all, Japan is a wonderful, with the unique overlapping ancient cultured and technologyIt contains many famous attractions and some of the best food in the world. I only talked about three cities; however, you can easily spend months visiting all of Japan. I highly recommend Japan for someone who wants to witness a country with a unique culture and wants to step up their comfort zone, since it is so different from the United States. So, I hope tourists will be allowed back into Japan soon, so we can experience firsthand, the beauty of Japan.  

Lost in Translation

Traveling to the different country can be very dauntingespecially if you don’t speak the language. A language barrier can be something that not many people know how to overcome, however, it should deter you from traveling to a country. It can seem very intimidating at first, but I’m here to help. Here are a few tips and tricks for when you’re traveling to a country that does not speak language you know. 

Prepare ahead 

Now I know it is completely impossible to pick up a language in a week or month before you plan on going on your tripBut you can make your trip a little bit easier by learning a few basic phrases and words in the language of the country that you’re going to visit. Learn how to say hello,” “yes, no,” “Do you speak English? What’s your name?” or other simple phrases. This will make your trip so much easier. This will also make it easier for natives to understand you, and they will definitely appreciate the added effort. 

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These are common apps that will help you learn basic phrases in a certain language.

Translation Apps/Books  

Translation apps and books are a great resource to have with you. Apps are a great way to communicate, and you can use audio recording to directly speak into them rather than typing out long phrases. However, there could be a problem with the translation, and you can get the wrong translation, which is especially common with Google Translate. There could also be a problem with cell service in the country you going to. A translation book could easily solve the cell service problem; however, it can be inconvenient going through a large book and looking up each individual word. These are helpful backup toolthat can help you; however, you should not rely solely on an app or book. Make sure to prepare ahead, and you can carry a book to ease you nerves.  

Carry Important Documents and Addresses  

Now sometimes even with preparing ahead and translation apps, it can be difficult to speak to the localsSo, a great way to help in that kind of situation is to carry important documentationsI highly recommend you always carry your passport as well as travel insurance. It’s also very important that you keep a document with all the locations you will be visiting as well as their addresses. This will help you if you will be relying on public transportation or a taxi.  

All in all, traveling can be a bit daunting if you don’t know the language, but it is not impossible. With the world globalizing, there are more and more English speakers in foreign countries. So, don’t let the language barrier deter you from traveling because it is very easy to overcome. So, have fun, stay safe and step out of your comfort zone. 

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Many countries have signs that include multiple languages, such as this sign from Canada, which includes and English and French Translation.

The Beauty of Backpacking

These past couple of posts I have mainly been talking about traveling abroadI highly recommend traveling, however, traveling to all these wonderful places can be quite expensive. So, for this post I am going to be talking about how to travel rather than where to travel. 

Now there are many factors that make traveling expensive, such as transportation, accommodations, meals, spending money and more. Some of these costs are inevitable, such as airfare, however there are ways to reduce the other costs. One very popular way to reduce the costs of traveling that has been rising in popularity these days, especially among young college students, is backpacking. 

Many of us have probably heard the word being thrown aroundbut what exactly is backpacking? Well, backpacking is basically when one travels but everything that they take with them while traveling fits in a backpack. Now you might be thinking, how does carrying a backpack really help you save money and make traveling affordable? Well, backpacking emphasizes minimalism, since everything you take with you is carried on your back. This idea of minimalism is further applied to other aspects of traveling. 

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An example of what’s in a travel backpack.

There are many ways backpackers will apply minimalism to their trips. For instance, when looking for accommodations, backpackers will look for the bare minimum and cheapest housing that balances comfort with affordability. This includes staying in hostels or staying in a homestay with families where it’s cheaper, and you also get to meet new people. Backpacking also emphasizes community and local culture, because they interact with locals more than traditional tourists. For example, backpackers will try to eat street food and local cuisine the most, since it is the cheapest. Local cuisine is relatively cheap compared to the common touristy restaurants you normally will see. So, you get to eat authentic food and help local businesses.  

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A typical travel hostel.

Another and in my opinion the best part about backpacking is the emphasis on community. You get the opportunity to create a real connection with the locals because you are experiencing their culture, and you are interacting with them more. You also get to make so many friends, since backpackers seek accommodations in social areas, such as hostelsThis builds a community, which I believe is a positive way to travel because not only is it affordable, but it makes traveling even more memorable. Backpacking also allows you to go to more remote places, since everything you need is carried on your back. This opens you up to millions of possibilities. It also removes the materialistic aspect of traveling so you can focus on making memories. 

All in all, I highly recommend backpacking, especially if you want to save money, meet new people, get out of your comfort zone and make amazing memories. In general traveling is wonderful, and if the cost of traveling is deterring you from traveling, then definitely think about backpacking your next adventure!  


These past couple of blogs I have mainly been talking about traveling abroad and visiting major tourist attractions. Now that can be enticing to some, however, when you only visit major tourist attractions, you don’t really get a true taste of the country you are traveling to. There is more to a country than just its tourist attractions. So, how can you experience a country like a local? 

Well there are many ways, such as staying with a host family or staying in the outskirts of a major city. There is also voluntourism, which has gained popularity in recent years. 

Voluntourism is basically what the name implies, traveling to a different country and volunteering. It is a great way to interact with locals, explore uncommon wonders and you get to do some good while you’re at it. Though voluntourism is a bit controversial, I believe that it is a great way to travel as long as you’re mindful.  

Traveling in general is rewarding enough, and volunteering while you’re traveling makes the experience even more memorable. You get a deeper understanding of the culture through embedding yourself in it, while making a positive impact. 

I personally had a fabulous time when I went to Thailand to volunteer. I volunteered at a local clinic there, while I earned a CPR certificate. I got to stay in a local family’s home in a small village a few hours away from Bangkok. I got to talk to the locals and eat authentic local cuisine, and I must say, Thai food in Thailand is so much better than Thai food in the United States.  

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The house the other volunteers and I stayed in.

I also got to explore Thailand without having to deal with the hassle of irritating touristsFor instance, the spent a day near a beautiful crystal blue lake, which was basically untouched. The tour company that I traveled with also arranged small trips to common tourist attractions. Snot only did I get to explore rural Thailand, but I also got to explore its other wonders.  

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A beautiful picture of Bangkok, Thailand.

Now I did have a lot of fun, but for those of you who are interested in voluntourism, you have to remember that you are still volunteering. You can have fun while doing, but you have a responsibility, which you cannot neglect.  

So, if you do decide to volunteer and travel, make sure tactually do what you signed up for and not get carried away by the distractions. Also make sure to pick a program that you will actually enjoy. I really like medicine, so I decided to volunteer at a local clinic. So, think of your interests and choose the programs that will best fit you.  

All in all, voluntourism is a unique and great experience. The locals will treat you like family and show you unique locations that the average tourists would not have the chance to go to. So, enjoy yourself while giving back! 

Calm Canada

These past few posts I have mainly been focusing on countries that are half-way around the world. Though they are extremely beautiful, and I highly recommend you guys visit if you have the opportunity, they are not the most realistic travel destinations. The flight tickets can be extremely expensive, and it can be very time consuming, with just the flight taking around twelve hours.  

Thankfully, if you still really want to leave the country, but do not want to go completely bankrupt, you have an option…Canada. Canada is only five hours and thirty minutes away from Penn State, so you can drive rather than take a plane, which can be quite expensive.  

Many of us tend to overlook our neighbor to the north, so here are a few things to do in Canada. I mainly focused on areas closer to the border, like Toronto, so the trip would not be as expensive.  


Toronto Ferry Ride 

Just like the famous Staten Island ferrywhich is a famous tourist attraction in New York City that is known for its famous view of the New York skyline, Toronto also has a famous ferryYou can take a relaxing ferry from Jack Layton Ferry Terminal to Ward’s Island Ferry Dock. The ferry ride itself will showcase the beautiful skyline of Toronto. Ward’s Island is also a beautiful place to spend the day. The island is gorgeous park with a small amusement park. It is a nice and calm environment in the bustling city of Toronto. Going on the Toronto Ferry is a must when in Toronto.  


View from the Ferry

Spend a day in the city  

When in Canada, spend a day in Toronto! The city is gorgeous and extremely diverse, with so much to do. You can go shopping in Yonge-Dundas Square, which is like a calmer version of Times Square New York. You should also stop by the Toronto sign, which is a famous picture spot and in the heart of the city. I also recommend visiting the distillery district, which is famous for its old architecture and art pieces. The food is Toronto is also phenomenal. It is a fusion of various cultures, and definitely try some famous Canadian Poutine while you are there.  

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And of course…. 


Niagara Falls 

Niagara Falls is a must visit destination when going to Canada. When driving from Penn State, you can pass through Niagara Falls, so there is no excuse! People from all around the world venture to Niagara Falls to see the breathtaking view in person. You can look at it from the United States’ side, however, the Canada side is so much better. You can even go on a ferry ride near the falls, you can touch the falls on a special tour, and you can go ziplining across the falls. The Canada side is also bustling with restaurants and attractions. You can stop by Niagara Falls while going to visit the rest of Canada, or just spend your trip there.  

All in all, Canada is a great country, and the people are very nice. It is a great place to visit when you want a change of scenery, but do not want to venture too far from home. I only talked about one of the gorgeous cities in Canada. Definitely visit Canada when you have the chance. Safe travels! 

Incredible India

India is a beautiful country with a rich history. It is one of the oldest countries in the world that dates back to around 25000 BCE, and it is where some of the oldest religions that are still practiced today originated. With a mix of ancient culture along with new customs brought in by foreign invaders, India has a unique fusion culture that one must experience. My parents are from India and most of my extended family still lives in India. However, despite that, I had not gone to India in over five years. But, late February of last year, my cousin was finally getting married, which finally meant a trip to India. I spent the next month traveling the various regions of India, and here are some of the places to visit if you are ever in India.  


Goa, India 

Goa is state tucked away in the south of India. Though relatively small and less populated compared to other states, it makes up for it with its beautiful beaches. Goa is known for its crystal blue beaches and white sand beaches. You can stay at rustic style beach houses that might even be older than some cities in the United States. The region is also known for gorgeous forests, cascading waterfalls and exotic fruits, which are perfect for a hot day at the beach. The state also has unique architecture, with a mix of Indian and Portuguese architecture, which are remnants of the old Portuguese colonyDefinitely visit Goa if you are looking for a tropical getaway.  

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Dudhsagar Falls, a famous waterfall located in Sonaulim, Goa.


Himachal Pradesh, India  

One unique aspect of India is how the climate changes throughout the country. You can see the tropical beaches of the south, the scorching desert of the west, the thick jungles of the east and the cold Himalayas of the north. Himachal Pradesh is one of India’s most northern states, and home to India’s entrance to the Himalayas. It is famous for its clear water lakes, gorgeous mountains and mix of Tibetan and Indian culture. It is also famous for its remote temples and hostels, which you go on a trek or hike to visit. I highly recommend going to Himachal Pradesh if you like mountains, breathtaking views and a spiritual trip. 

BhimaKali Temple - Temples To Visit in Himachal Pradesh

Bhimakali Temple, dedicated to Goddess Bhimakali. This is located in Sarahan, Himachal Pradesh.


And last but not least… 

Rajasthan, India 

Rajasthan is a gorgeous state, located in the north west corner of India. It is home to beautiful deserts, where you can drive sand buggies, go on camel rides and watch the desert sunset. However, Rajasthan is much more famous for its ancient royal palaces. There are over 50 palaces scattered throughout the state. There are also many ancient temples scattered throughout the state. One palace is now on Airbnb, so you can experience the royal life. Visit Rajasthan if you want to experience the rich history and culture of India.  

beautiful entrance of Amber palace in Jaipur

Amber palace, a must visit palace located in Jaipur, Rajasthan.


All in all, India is a beautiful country. India has 36 states with different languages, cultures and religions within each state. I highly recommend traveling to the various regions in India and not just the ones on the list. This list is just a starting point to explore this beautiful region. Have fun exploring. Travel On… 

Dubai Dreams

Dubai is a small city tucked away in the United Arab Emirates, however, these past few decades it has grown into a hub for the rich and is now a popular tourist destination. I recently got the opportunity to go to Dubai, and it was just as glamorous as everyone says it is. Here are a few must see attractions when in Dubai. 


Burj Khalifa  

Dubai has an amazing skyline with skyscrapers making up most of it. It is also home to the tallest building in the world, standing at 2,722ft! The building exterior is a marvel to see, and the view from the top will leave you breathless. There are two main ways to go to the top. The most common is going to the observation decks, which takes you to level 125 of 163. The other option is going to the lounge, which takes you to level 152. The lounge is a bit more expensive due to the higher level as well as food and live entertainment, which is included in the ticket. Tickets to the lounge cost about $170 per person and tickets to the observation desks cost around $55 per person. The lounge is the luxurious way to experience the Burj Khalifa, however, the observation decks is also a great experience at a much more affordable price.  

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The view from the Burj Khalifa lounge

Mall of Dubai 

Dubai is well known for its shopping. The Mall of Dubai is a must visit. It is the largest mall in Dubai with many famous designer shops, such as Chanel, Gucci and Prada. There are also many attractions located in the mall, such as Go-Karting, an aquarium and an underwater zoo. It is a great place to roam around, and also has affordable shopping options, such as Nike and H&M. The Dubai mall is also well known for its water fountain in front of the mall, which performs a water and light show throughout the day.  

A picture of the fountain at the Dubai Mall

The Desert  

Some might forget while spending time in the skyscraper tree-filled city of Dubai that the city is actually in the middle of the Arabian desert. Just driving a little less than an hour from Dubai, you can tell you are in the middle of the desert, with the sudden change in the landscape. With so many activities taking place in the desert, it is a must visit attraction. You can go on a camel ride, sandboard, drive a sand buggy, experience a falcon show, go on a desert safari and do so much more. Definitely incorporate a desert adventure when in Dubai.  

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A beautiful desert sunset.

All in all, Dubai is a beautiful city with a rich history and culture. It is known as a jewel of the Arab world, and a must visit destination. There is so much more you can explore in Dubai, and this is just a short list to get you started. Add to it what you want and create a unique itinerary just for you. As always, safe travels and Travel On.  

Traveling 101

Traveling has been gaining popularity in recent years. With the chance to explore a new environment and experience a different culture, it can an extremely rewarding experience. However, it can be a bit overwhelming, especially when traveling abroad. To get the most out of your trip, here are a few tips to plan your adventure.  


  1. Research  

With each country comes a different set of rules and customs. Hence, it is a necessity to research the location you are planning on traveling to. For instance, in Japan due to social stigma around tattoos, those with tattoos will face certain restrictions, such as not being allowed to enter their world-famous hot springsRules like these are common knowledge for locals, but not as much for foreigners. Being well informed about local rules and customs will allow for a fun trip without having problemsIf you are really worried about this, then you might consider hiring a travel company that will do all the research and plan your trip for you, making sure there are no complications.  

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typical travel companies


2. Finance

The sad reality is that travel can be extremely expensive. With so many expenses, such as flight tickets, accommodations, meals, spending money and local attractions, the cost can pile up. A great way to limit this is to budget. Creating a strict budget and plan your trip well in advance will insure you pay the lowest price. Budget travel agencies can help with this as well. Another way to cut down on costs is to find unique accommodations, such as a home-stay or a hostel, which are not only cheap, but also a great way to interact with localsYou could also travel to a budget friendly country, which are relatively cheaper to travel to compared to the traditional travel locations. These countries include many AsianSouth American and East European countries, such as India, Croatia and Chile.  

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an example of a travel budget

3. Be Prepared 

Traveling also requires months of preparation. It takes time to create the perfect itinerary, find the perfect accommodations and find the best attractions. Make sure to start at least three months in advance. Countries will also have their own set of qualifications to enter the country. Many countries will require visa to enter. A United States Passport comes with many perks such as onarrival visas, however, make sure to check here to see the different requirements for each countryMake sure to apply for a visa months in advance for the country you attend to travel to. Applying a few months in advance will insure it will come in on time for your flight. Also traveling abroad can expose you to diseases and illnesses not common in your home country. To make sure you stay safe, you must ensure all your vaccines are up to date and you receive any additional ones. Inform your healthcare provider that you will be going to a foreign country. They will provide you with a list of tips and make sure you are medically prepared for your trip. You can also check here to see what is recommends. Also make sure to constantly check here to see the current situation in the country you are planning on visiting to make sure it is safe. 


And last, but not least… HAVE FUN! 


Traveling is a great way to make sense of this huge world. Places worlds apart are much more similar than you think, and you realize that when you travel. Going to a different country with its own language and customs can be a shock, but it will change you in a positive way. It might seem scary at first, but the people you’ll meet and the memories you will make will be unforgettable. So, feed your wanderlust and stay safe with these tips! Travel On… 

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