Johnny and Lisa were friends and liked to share their toys with each other, but one day Johnny got selfish and decided to take all of Lisa’s toys as his own. Some time passed, and Johnny decided to give Lisa her toys back, but he still got to use them whenever he wanted whether she liked it or not. Even more time has passed now, and Johnny claims to have given them back, but Lisa is still wondering whether her toys will ever truly be her own.
This situation presents the same moral issues as the relationship between Europe and Africa.
From the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade that continued through colonization in the 19th and 20th centuries, to the well-hidden ploy of Neo-Colonialism that exists today, African resources have been exploited by Western and Eastern nations throughout history. In this essay, I will explore two civic artifacts. One, titled “Gold diggers” depicts how the material resources from Africa (gold, oil, cacao, fish, rare minerals, etc.) end up piled on the continents of North America and Europe. The other, which I’ll refer to as “The Resource Curse” illustrates the relationship between Western corporations and African people, where the Westerners “rejoice” over finding oil in Turkana, Kenya, but the citizens of the Turkana tribe are more concerned simply with finding clean water.
I will examine this issue through the lenses of Ideological criticism, the commonplace of “There are starving children in Africa”, and the misrepresentation of progress in global media. The exploitation of African resources addresses the SDGs of reduced inequalities, no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, decent work and economic growth, and peace, justice, and strong institutions. If we address this issue carefully and collaboratively, we can work as a global community to repatriate the wealth of Africa, finally giving Lucy her toys back.
Beautifully written!!! As I had mentioned before, I love your intro, it truly grabs the readers attention and creates this peculiar element, because they have no idea what you’re going to be talking about it. It also puts it into context, and makes it easier for the reader to understand. In addition to that, you have a great structure. I like how you don’t go too into depth when describing your artifacts, because otherwise your body paragraphs about them would be redundant. You also clearly state your lenses so I have an idea of how you will be approaching this issue. I guess the only piece of advice that I have is maybe make it clearer how the two artifacts compare/ contrast to one another. I can tell that they are backing one another up based on your analysis, so its not a necessity, but maybe would give reader a better idea what they’re getting into. Great job, can’t wait to read it.
This introduction serves as a beautiful way to start your essay. The way you were able to connect a simple situation to the complex relationship between Africa and Europe is fascinating. All of the lenses you have mentioned will definitely benefit your essay. I also like how it ties into so many SDGs, making it truly meaningful and impactful.
The introduction that you used really draws in the reader and entices them to read more. I also really like your verbs as they tie your points together and allow for your introduction to flow. The only thing I would say is to maybe limit saying, “in my article” and instead show what you will be talking about. I believe that you have a really good outline and I am interested to see how your essay goes.
Much like your elevator pitch I truly love your use of the story of the two children and tying it into your artifact. Your indication of what lenses you were going to use what very clear and I can see where you are going to take your essay. I think you perfectly encompassed what your essay will be. This was very well written, good job!
Much like your elevator pitch I truly love your use of the story of the two children and tying it into your artifact. Your indication of what lenses you were going to use what very clear and I can see where you are going to take your essay. I think you perfectly encompassed what your essay will be. This was very well written, good job per usual!