“Everything Happens For a Reason”

“Everything happens for a reason.”

I know what you’re thinking, ugh this is just another cliche blog post. Understandably so because yes, this is probably the most overused, cliche line ever.  I can remember my mom saying this to me every time something didn’t go the way I planned it ever since I was really little.  It wasn’t until a year ago that I realized what this sentence truly meant to me.

Maybe you take this sentence to mean that there is some type of magical, mythical, god-like force that is planning out every little thing that happens in our lives like it’s some Hollywood movie.  Maybe you just believe in fate or destiny or whatever you want to call it.  Hey, to each his(or her) own.  I don’t know, but for some reason this phrase never resonated with me. Until one day it did.

I have always been a firm believer in working for what you want.  I don’t think anyone gets anything handed to them just because it’s a part of some larger plan or something, however, if you work hard, you just might catch a break every once in awhile.  Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t just karma I’m talking about.

Even though we work hard, life still finds a way of sticking out its tongue and laughing at you from time to time.  Sometimes, you just gotta roll with it.  Shake it off.  Whatever you gotta do to get up and keep going.  Now you might be asking, “Jess, what does this have to do with ‘everything happens for a reason’”.  Well, I’m glad you asked.

Last year, I ran for president of a club that I had poured my heart and soul into the years prior. I really thought I had it in the bag because I thought everyone would recognize how much I had done for the club.  Well, the day of the election rolled around and I came home devastated.  I had lost.  I was so upset I literally cried into my mom’s shoulder and I heard that phrase again:

“Everything happens for a reason.”

At first I was mad.  If I had worked extremely hard, why wasn’t I getting recognized for it. That night I went to sleep still upset, but repeating the phrase my mom had said to me, even if I didn’t totally believe it.  When I woke up the next morning, I told myself I couldn’t be upset anymore and I had to use the time I would’ve spent being president to do something else.  

I ended up having way more time on my hands and got to focus more on a club that I otherwise would’ve just been a bystanding member in. I got a part-time job. I spent more time with my friends and family who I would soon be leaving for college.  I made so many memories and had so many good times that might not have happened if I had gotten that position or even if I just kept dwelling on the fact that I lost.  

My part-time job hostessing at a restaurant called “The Place”

Somehow this all makes sense it my head.  Maybe it doesn’t to you, I don’t know.  Basically what I’m getting at is if something doesn’t go the way you planned it, don’t give up and just say that there’s a reason it happened and there’s nothing you can do about it.  I’m saying the exact opposite.  If something goes wrong, go out and find a reason that it happened.  Use it as an opportunity to branch out, try something new.

So, with that said,

Everything happens for a reason.  Well, if you’re able to find one, of course.

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