Not Your Average Disney Movie

Sitting on my bed with a 101 degree fever last week, I wanted to watch a simple movie that I could fall asleep to.  Scrolling through Netflix, I remembered my little campers this summer telling me to watch Zootopia because they loved it.  Thinking I would end up falling asleep halfway through because it was a movie fit for second graders, I hit play.

Snuggling into my blankets, I never could have predicted how much I would come to love this movie.  Not just because of its fun plot line…actually the opposite.  The serious underlying themes throughout the movie totally shocked me and all I could think was wow. just wow.

***For those of you who have yet to watch it….SPOILER ALERT! Go watch it and then come back to this post.***

I think the reason I was so pleasantly surprised by this movie was because of how clearly they addressed social problems such as racism and sexism.  Many producers and writers shy away from doing so because they don’t want to be too “political”, but the makers of Zootopia surely hit the nail on the head with this one.

In a world full of different animals trying to live in peace and harmony, there is a clear social hierarchy which causes some species to put at a disadvantage over others.  For example, foxes are seen as having a totally different culture than other animals.  They are seen as criminals and are not trusted to have important jobs.  This is an overt reference to how people of color are treated in modern society.  Not only are they often discriminated against in the workplace, but they are also much more likely to be arrested and incarcerated due to prejudice.

And if addressing racism wasn’t enough, the makers of this movie went above and beyond to break gender stereotypes as well.  In the movie, the bunnies represent women, and are often told that they aren’t big or strong enough to have tougher jobs.  There are many little comments said in the film about bunnies that people in our society sometimes say about women, and the bunnies break each stereotype one by one.  The main bunny, Judy, goes above and beyond as a cop to save her community and prove those who doubted her wrong.

Zootopia is definitely not a snoozer like I might’ve originally thought.  After watching it, I actually sat and reflected on the issues addressed in the movie.  I thought the creators of this movie did an incredible job, and the fact that a film with such a positive message is so popular with young children gives me hope for the future.  If they can see how the discrimination in this movie is wrong, hopefully they can make the connection to the real world and help make a difference.

I’m inspired by the bravery of a cartoon bunny and fox, what can I say?

3 Comments on Not Your Average Disney Movie

  1. Shane Cummings
    September 15, 2017 at 4:53 pm (7 years ago)

    You’re right that Zootopia asks a lot of interesting questions about racism and sexism in modern society, and you did a great job of showing how Disney portrays these societal problems through interactions between different species of animals. Analyzing movies for hidden themes and symbols is one of my personal hobbies, and there are a lot more movies that ask very similar questions to this one. Have you watched The Dark Knight? That movie is admittedly far darker than Zootopia, but it also poses questions about societal issues and how people can best combat them. If you haven’t already seen the movie, I highly recommend it as a follow-up to this one. You might find far more similarities between these two movies than you initially suspect.

  2. gsg4
    September 15, 2017 at 4:59 pm (7 years ago)

    First of all GREAT movie! I was working in a movie theater when this movie came out, so I am really familiar with it. I completely agree with you in the sense that the directors hit the nail on the head with addressing racism and sexism. I like how they realized if we focus on the younger generation to not see race, sex, or disability as a disadvantage it will help them grow into adults accepting of everyone.

  3. kbk5336
    September 15, 2017 at 5:06 pm (7 years ago)

    I thought the exact same thing when watching this movie, and I have watched about fives times because I love Disney movies and this one was especially good. I have always felt that Disney movies step outside of the box, and do what other producers and directors are too afraid to do. I think in the Finding Dory movie they had the first gay couple seen on the screen for Disney and they got a lot of criticism for it, but in the end, there is no taking down Disney because they are so well respected. I feel that is why they try to switch it up because their reputation is so good.


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