A Bittersweet Goodbye…

“There is never going to be an endpoint. But definitely, I am happy to complete a certain part of my journey, and that’s something I want to celebrate.” -Harshvardhan Rane


Oh, Thought Bubble, it’s been a long, wild ride and you will be dearly missed. I can’t believe I am actually writing my last blog post for the year. It’s a very bittersweet feeling I have; happy because I can finally stop stressing over uploading a new post each week, yet sad because it has been such a new, fun, and creative way for me to express myself.

Personally, I have never been much of a writer, as I feel like I can never find the perfect words to describe what I am trying to say. But with these blogs, and the informal nature that I have allowed mine to have, I can have some fun with it. I can describe things the way that I would speak them, rather than how I would write them in a formal paper. It has showed me a new style of writing that I think I might actually enjoy. 

This blog has been a bit of a rollercoaster as to the topics that I write about, but that is what I love most about it. I kept the theme very broad during the creation of this site because I had no idea what direction it would take me in, I just wanted to be able to write what was on my mind that week or that day, so I turned it into exactly that, my “thought bubble”.

At first, I didn’t want to write about my actual feelings on this blog, because I thought it was embarrassing, I kept that for a paper journal that nobody would read. Then, I realized that each of my posts gets like maybeee 2 or 3 readers, and even that’s a stretch sometimes, so I figured eh what the heck and went for it. This blog because fun and therapeutic because I could write about anything I wanted without worrying about who was reading it.

Although I am definitely sad about ending these blogs, I can’t deny the relief and happiness I will feel when I finish this one because as much as I loved it, I really did hate it other weeks. Sometimes, I just could not think of anything to write about, and other times I just didn’t feel like doing it, especially when it seemed like I had so much other work I could have been doing instead. Throughout the process, there were definitely many weeks where I had writer’s block, but each week I powered through. Granted, some posts were definitely deeper than others, and some were definitely more dull than others, but as FDR so greatly put it, “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” I think the tougher weeks are what helped me grow as a writer because I had to push myself when it didn’t come so easily.

I look forward to having these posts to look back on and reflect on my thoughts throughout my first year of college. This year only happens once in a lifetime and I am so glad that I had a stable assignment throughout the experience so I can see how I have grown and changed as a person and as a writer. I feel like it really represents my state of mind at certain moments and times throughout the 2 semesters, and other times it was just a way for me to babble about my thoughts. This blog allowed me to learn more about myself and my thought process, and for that I am extremely grateful.

So who knows what my blogging future looks like. Maybe I’ll take up blogging sometime in a few years. Maybe I’ll never blog again. Who knows, but for now, goodbye to my love/hate relationship with these blogs :’)

1 Comment on A Bittersweet Goodbye…

  1. bxr76
    April 6, 2018 at 4:28 pm (6 years ago)

    I completely understand how you feel writing your final blog. Its a bittersweet goodby for me as well, as I also had a love/hate relationship with these. At some points it was really fun, while at others it was a struggle just to get it done, but overall its been an enjoyable journey through my first year of college.


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