19 Things I Learned By 19

19 years. I’ve really been alive for 19 years. I can’t decide if that’s a long time or so short. I just turned 19 years old on Monday, March 5th, and I’m having very mixed feelings about it. Of course I am sad because I’m getting older but also excited to see what else my future holds for me. I decided to make a list of some of the most important lessons I have learned throughout my time so far on this Earth. (PSA: order holds no significance…just what came to my head first)


  1. Take pictures to cherish moments, not create them. With social media dominating the social scene, it becomes so easy to get caught up in trying to make it look like you’re having the most fun, instead of actually trying to have fun.
  2. Taking every opportunity that comes your way can lead to the best experiences. Whether it’s hanging out with new people, going to a new place, or try a new hobby, just go out and do it. And if you hate it, you never have to do it again, plus it might end in a funny story,
  3. Sleeping solves any problem. Stressed? Upset? Angry? Confused? Sleep it off. Making sure to get enough sleep each night is crucial. I don’t care how busy you are, you need sleep. And no, 4 hours a night is not enough.
  4. Put your phone down. Taking a break from everything is so freeing. Just go outside, read a book, look at a tree, forget about instagram and twitter and facebook for a little bit.
  5. Friends grow apart. Friendships end. New ones form. And thats okay. Instead of holding a grudge over the fact that it ended, remember the good times you had together. People change and grow apart and thats okay.
  6. Don’t take yourself too seriously. It makes for a happier life. Laugh at your mistakes and learn from them.
  7. Drive around with the windows down and blasting music whenever possible. It’s easily the best part of having a license so never pass up on a drive when the weather is nice.
  8. One test doesn’t matter as much as you think it does. One failed test won’t stop you from getting into college or getting a job. So there’s no point in stressing over one bad grade. Just do better next time.
  9. Your own health and happiness comes first. Always. It sounds selfish and dumb, but you are your main concern. If you don’t take care of yourself, who will?
  10. Talk to your grandparents and really listen to what they have to say. Some of the stories they tell are incredible. They are wise beyond your years and they’re full of incredible stories waiting to be told, and you never know when your time with them may run out.
  11. This Earth is so beautiful. We need to cherish and preserve it for us and future generations.
  12. Appreciate every moment you have with your family and friends. The tiniest, most insignificant events will be some of your favorite memories.
  13. Your grades in school don’t define you or your intelligence. Education goes beyond just typical schooling and testing, so be open to learning in any environment.
  14. Dwelling on something that you can’t change isn’t going to help or solve anything. Accept the past, learn from it and move on.
  15. Being yourself is the best thing you can do. It’s so cheesy but there is nobody else like you in the world so celebrate that.
  16. Standing up for yourself and what you believe in can really make a difference. Even if it seems like nobody is listening, keep fighting. All Rosa Parks did was sit, and look where we are now. Still fighting, but a few steps closer.
  17. Live in the moment instead of getting stuck in your head. Don’t overthink situations to the point where you are forgetting to really live them. Spontaneity is the best.
  18. Everything happens for a reason. Any event can be seen as a learning experience or a funny story to tell in the future. Everything depends on what perspective you look at it from.
  19. Never regret something that once made you happy. You never know how things will turn out, but if you enjoyed them while they lasted, that’s all you can hope for.

2 Comments on 19 Things I Learned By 19

  1. bxr76
    March 16, 2018 at 4:30 pm (6 years ago)

    As a fellow 19 year old I can totally relate to all of these. I agree with everything you said about living in the moment and making the most out of life, while not taking it too seriously. I also can’t figure out if 19 years is a long or short time, but I’m proud of what has been and excited for whats to come.

  2. Paige
    March 16, 2018 at 4:35 pm (6 years ago)

    I absolutely love posts like these and think it is really insightful to write your own. After reading your post, I actually think I will do something similar for myself. It is so important to just stop and reflect on everything you have learned and the person you have become. Especially now that we are in college, it seems like everything is changing so fast, from our home to our friends to ourselves, so remembering things like talking to your grandparents and keeping all kinds of memories with friends and family is that much more important. Inevitably, we all probably get very stressed out a few times a week, so having a physical list of things to always remember that are more important than a test or project is so helpful.


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