The Bees Project is a digital environment where the user can interact with a model of a honeybee. The purpose of this project is to help the user learn about the anatomy of honeybees in a hands-on digital environment.
Dissection of a honey bee is incredibly difficult due not only to it’s size and delicacy of the procedure but also the fact that most internal anatomy is liquid and difficult to distinguish. Through this tool users will be able to virtually explore the minutiae of anatomical structures that are far more difficult to perceive from insect dissection alone. We hope to illustrate how internal structures appear in vivo in interactive ways that allow users to examine the organism at a scale larger than life and aid in their learning process.
Prototype demos of the Bees Project can be played in web browsers using the following links.
Demo 02: Placeholder Model Demo
The Bees Project is in a very early prototyping phase and currently contains the following functionalities.
- Rotate Model
- Scale Model
- Object Spread
- Group Selection
- Label Display Options
- Hide / Show Group
- Mouse Click Selection
- Mouse Look
- Camera Center
For more information about these features and the development process, please visit the Bees Project development page at the following link