The SaDVR (Strike and Dip VR) tool is a virtual reality experience created for the purpose of helping students learn about taking the strike and dip measurements from 3D models of geological structures. With this tool, students can learn what strike and dip measurements are as well as practice taking those measurements using a variety of geological structure types from all around the world.
The primary functionality of the SaD project is to take strike and dip measurements of 3D models of geologic structures. Inside the virtual environment the user can grab the Compass Tool with the VR controllers, then position the compass along the face of a geological structure. When the user has positioned the compass to the correct orientation they can save strike and dip measurements taken from the compass. When strike and dip data is saved, a set of blue arrows will appear in the 3D space along the vectors of the strike and dip measurements saved.
The user can also use the Beginners Tool to place simplified strike and dip arrow sets in multiple spots around the virtual space. This makes taking multiple measurements much easier.
For more information about the development and content of the SaDVR Tool please visit the following link:
Developing the SaDVR (Strike and Dip VR) Tool
For more information on the original non-VR version of the SaD Tool please visit the following link:
About the SaD (strike and Dip) Tool