Developer Log

A Peek Behind The Curtain

Author: btm5024 (Page 4 of 4)

Mini Map for Strike and Dip

Today I will be exhibiting the newest upgrade to the Strike and Dip Tool:

The Mini Map Feature.


A short demo video of this feature and a playable web demo with this feature implemented can be found at the following links:

Mini Map Playable SaD Web Demo


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New SaD Demo Videos


In preparation for involvement with the upcoming EER event, I have created three new demo videos for the SaD(Strike and Dip) Tool project. These short videos exhibit many of the basic functions of the SaD Tool, as well as display some of the intro turotials and elements that are currently in the prototype phase of development.

Prototype Overview Demo

This first video is a quick overview of many of the primary functions and features of the SaD Tool project. This video quickly displays examples of the rotation tutorial, the strike/dip tutorial, right hand rule hand outlines, the 3D model database, the tarlair landscape model, 360 image integration, annotation nodes, and taking a few strike and dip measurements. Many of these short examples will be displayed in more detail in later demo videos.

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New Features For The Strike and Dip Tool

As development on the SaD (Strike and Dip) Tool continues I have added a few new prototype features to the project. In this post I will go over what these new prototype features are, why they have been added, and where we hope to go with them moving forward. To try a playable demo of these prototypes please visit the following links:

New Features Prototype Demo Link

Intro Tutorial 01 Prototype Demo Link

Intro Tutorial 02 Prototype Demo Link

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Developing the Strike and Dip Tool

I am currently working on developing a program that will allow geology students to learn about and practice taking strike and dip measurements of 3D models of geological structures.

To read about the steps taken to develop the Strike and Dip (SaD) tool project so far visit the following link:

Developing the Strike and Dip Tool


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// Hello world!

Welcome to Bart Masters Development Log Page. On this site I will be posting about the steps I take while developing for the projects I am working on as part of the PSU Center For Immersive Experiences.

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