
The SaD (Strike and Dip) tool is an experience created for the purpose of helping students learn about taking the strike and dip measurements from 3D models of geological structures. With this tool, students can learn what strike and dip measurements are as well as practice taking those measurements using a variety of geological structure types from all around the world.


The video below is a complete tutorial guide of the SaD (Strike and Dip) Tool.




The primary functionality of the SaD project is to take strike and dip measurements of 3D models of geologic structures. The user will position the Compass Tool along a geologic structure using the Compass Control Panel. Once the Compass Tool is positioned along the geologic structures strike the user will press the “Save Strike” button to save the current compass orientation as strike data and display the strike measurement to the Data Window. The Compass Tool will then rotate 90 degrees and turn to be positioned vertically in preparation to take the dip measurement. Once the user has rotated the Compass Tool to match the geologic structures dip, they can press the “Save Dip” button to save the current compass orientation as dip data and display the dip measurement to the Data Window.

Once a set of strike and dip measurements have been made the user can view a visual representation of those measurements by pressing the “Draw Data” button. This will create two arrows along the vectors for the strike and dip measurements.