Issue Brief Introduction Draft


Closing the Excellence Gaps to Diversify Gifted Education Programs Gifted programs in the United States have been around for over a century, and the controversies surrounding them have been around for almost as long. The programs rose to prominence in the mid-1900s during the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union. When

“This I Believe” Rough Draft


“You were born in China.” It’s a phrase; the start of a story I often heard my parents tell me while growing up. I’ve always known that I’m adopted. It’s a fact I fully embraced when I was little because it made me feel unique. That was, until my uniqueness became the source of my

Passion & Civic Issue Blog Topics


For my passion blog, I’ve decided to go with my idea about all things Philly. I thought I could also incorporate my other idea about origins and do some blog posts on the origins/history of Philly-related things such as cheesesteaks and the Mummers. For my civic issues blog, I’m going to explore the gifted kids

“This I Believe” and Blog Ideas


Passion Blog Ideas For the new spring semester, I’ve decided to move away from my baking topic and pick a new one. The origins of things Last semester I did one post about the origins of different desserts, and I really enjoyed learning and writing about that topic. So, I thought I could do my

Extra Credit Event: “Climate Change is Everyone’s Fight-Including Yours”


Earlier in the semester, I attended the “Climate Change Is Everyone’s Fight—Including Yours” hosted by Rhiana Gunn-Wright. I assumed the event would be a long, tedious lecture on climate change, but I was pleasantly surprised by Wright. She presented herself and her story on climate change in an interesting and engaging manner that felt relatable

History of a Public Controversy Ideas


One possible topic for the history of a public controversy project is immigration reform. There’s a long history of immigration to the United States, along with many different laws and regulations that have changed throughout the nation’s history. Generations of people have debated over how many people should be allowed to enter the country? Should

Ted Talk Slides (Draft)


Here is the link to my Ted Talk slides: Ted Talk Slides Please note that this is a very VERY rough draft of my slides because I am still figuring out how I want to structure my ideas and what exactly I will include in my Ted Talk compared to my essay.

Elevator Pitch Unit 2


My elevator pitch is on the Canvas VoiceThread page, but here is also a link to it: Please let me know what you think! I am open to any suggestions for what I should include or not include for my topic of the changes in the portrayal of female characters in film and tv

TedTalk & “Evolving Ideas” Ideas


One of my favorite TedTalks that I’ve seen is “Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator” by Tim Urban. I remember watching this in middle school, and since then, it has always stuck with me because of its comical and extremely relatable aspects. The speaker remains enthusiastic and funny throughout his entire presentation, and he

Speech Reflection


For me, working on the speech was a new and nerve-racking experience. I’ve never had to present a speech to people before, in person or online. The fact that the speeches were recorded meant that I was able to do multiple takes until I felt that I had done my best. I found that recording

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Draft


Earth is home to humanity and civilization. It is home to oceans, forests, and other wildlife too, yet people seem to forget that Earth is a shared space. Through commercials and PSAs, the dish soap company Dawn and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have advocated for the protection of wildlife and the environment. To address

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Introduction


Earth is home to humanity and civilization. Earth is home to oceans, forests, and deserts. It is home to other wildlife too, yet people seem to forget that Earth is a shared space. Through commercials and PSAs, the dish soap company Dawn and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have advocated for the protection of wildlife

Molly’s Elevator Pitch


One elevator pitch that intrigued me was Molly’s, which focused on Greta Thunberg’s 2019 U.N. speech. She engaged the audience from the very first line. Throughout the pitch, she used specific language choices to convey urgency and to emphasize the importance of climate change on everyone’s lives. I liked that her delivery was professional, as

Elevator Pitch Proposal


What does washing dishes and advertisements have in common? To my knowledge, absolutely nothing except that nobody likes them, and yet, the dish soap company Dawn managed to transform these two dreaded things into a successful campaign called “Dawn Saves Wildlife”. Does the campaign promote the brand and increase profits? Yes. But it also raises

Target’s Targets


In case you haven’t noticed, it’s back to school time! Every student’s absolute favorite time of the year. Stores have stocked up on everything from notebooks and folders to rainbow-colored leopard print miniature binder clips (or something like that), and that means the season of Target shopping is underway! Target is a well-known company that

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