Current Projects Related to Teaching
- Active part of the Biocalculus instructional team.
- Senior Personnel for an NSF S-STEM Grant
- LA Pedagogy Course (SC 220)
- Math Department Representative
- Course Co-Developer (with Kristen Baxter) for Cultural Perspectives on Mathematics.
- To be CAMS 197N in Spring 2019. Currently awaiting Faculty Senate Approval.
- Director for the Pennsylvania Mathematics Initiative
Math Courses Taught
Since 2008 I have used a course management system (Sakai at Rutgers, Angel then Canvas at Penn State) to maintain a course website. These are password-protected and linked to my rosters, so I cannot share them publicly. If you are interested in any materials created or otherwise used in these classes, email me directly.
Pennsylvania State University, University Park:
(Ordered by recency and frequency.)
- Math 471: Geometry for Future Teachers
- Math 140 B: Calculus and Biology I
- Math 141 B: Calculus and Biology II
- Math 140: Calculus I for Math and Science Majors
- Math 035: General View of Mathematics
- Math 310: Elementary Combinatorics
Rutgers University:
- Math 454: Combinatorics
- Summer 2010
- Math 251: Multivariable Calculus
- Recitation only: Fall 2010, Spring 2008, Fall 2007, Spring 2007
- Math 151: Calculus for Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- Recitation only: Fall 2008
- Lecture and Recitation: Fall 2009, Spring 2010
- Math 152: Calculus II for Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- Recitation only: Spring 2009
- Math 103: Topics in Mathematics for Liberal Arts Majors:
- Summer 2007, Summer 2008
- Math 112: Precalculus II
- Recitation only: Fall 2006