Degree Requirements

The most helpful tool to understand the requirements for the BBH major is the BBH Degree Requirements Checklist. Please use the checklist to keep track of the requirements you have met. We suggest putting the grade for completed requirements in ink and requirements in progress or scheduled for the following semester in pencil. Please bring an updated checklist with you to every advising session.

Several sections of the curriculum offer flexibility for students to choose courses in line with their career, graduate school, minor, and/or study abroad goals. Approved course selections are listed on the checklist within the requirement. Possible exceptions to the approved course selections should be discussed with your BBH academic adviser prior to completing the course in question.

Please review this Statement from Head of Department of Biobehavioral Health Regarding Coursework Requiring Grades of C or Higher.

Additional information about the BBH major requirements can be found on the University Bulletin.