PAS 7: Peter Pettigrew

To add on to my ever-evolving segment, Harry Potter characters that I have beef with, spot number two goes to Peter Pettigrew. J.K. Rowling wrote his character so unbelievably well that I just can’t fathom anyone liking his character. Peter Pettigrew was best friends with Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and James Potter, a group that called themselves The Marauders.

Continue reading PAS 7: Peter Pettigrew

PAS 6: Severus Snape

To continue on with my segment of Harry Potter characters that I have beef with, today I present you with Severus Snape. Yes, Severus Snape, the evil Slytherin, and the emotionless potions master. My beef with Snape stems from the fact that he bullied literal eleven to seventeen-year-old children.

Continue reading PAS 6: Severus Snape

PAS 5: Dolores Umbridge


We’re back with another segment of “Harry Potter Characters That I Have Beef With.” Spot number four belongs to Professor Dolores Umbridge. Dolores Umbridge was introduced to us in the fifth installment, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. She took the position as Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA) professor on Ministry orders after word had been released of Lord Voldemort’s return during the fourth installment, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Continue reading PAS 5: Dolores Umbridge

PAS 4: Lord Voldemort

To continue in our segment of Harry Potter characters that I have beef with, in fifth place, and probably the most obvious, is Lord Voldemort himself. I know, I can already hear a lot of the complaints that this controversial opinion will receive: “How is the main antagonist of the entire series not higher on the list?” Simple: Voldemort is a bad man, yes. But, at least he knows he is a bad man.

Continue reading PAS 4: Lord Voldemort

PAS 3: Hermione Granger

Moving right along down the line of Harry Potter characters that I have beef with, taking over spot number six is none other than Hermione Granger. Now, I can already hear all of the arguments forming in your heads with this one. Yes, Hermione was a part of the Golden Trio. Yes, Hermione was one of the main characters. Yes, Hermione did help Harry defeat Voldemort. However, I just genuinely did not like her at all. Not in the books and definitely not in the movies. She is one of the most annoying characters to ever be seen on the big screen.

Continue reading PAS 3: Hermione Granger

PAS 2: Movie Ron Weasley

Continuing down the line of the beef I have with Harry Potter characters ranked from least to greatest, coming in at spot number seven, alongside his younger sister is the movie depiction of Ron Weasley. Yes, that’s right, Harry Potter’s most loyal and best friend. Not to mention his eventual brother-in-law. Again, I know a lot of you are thinking “how can you have beef with someone in the Golden Trio?” Well, it’s easy. I present to you, the facts.

Continue reading PAS 2: Movie Ron Weasley

PAS 1: Movie Ginny Weasley

For my passion blog this semester, I’ve decided to discuss the top eight characters in J.K. Rowling’s book and movie series: Harry Potter that I have beef with. I’ve been a Harry Potter fan for years, and I’ve never liked the eight characters that I will be discussing in this, and all future, passion blog posts.

Continue reading PAS 1: Movie Ginny Weasley