RCL 5: A Third Way to Food Production?

Amanda Little presented a TED Talk discussing the dangerous effects that global warming and climate change are having on the world in recent years. She puts climate change and global warming into perspective through the use of discussing the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. Little presents pictures which depict the state of our food and show how the change in climate not only affects the Earth and its people, but also the food which we consume. Continue reading RCL 5: A Third Way to Food Production?

RCL 4: It’s Obama’s Fault!

When President Barack Obama was elected into office, the feelings around America were mixed. Many believed that it was the beginning of an era, a brand new start. Others believed that it was the end of the world and marked the beginning of The Apocalypse. While some people just didn’t care at all. No matter what the stance of someone was, you could not scroll through FaceBook from 2008-2016 without seeing at least one comment stating “It’s Obama’s fault!!!!!!!!!!!”

Continue reading RCL 4: It’s Obama’s Fault!

RCL 2: Feminism; The Radical Notion That Women are People

The women’s suffrage movement has been circling the United States since 1920 when women first fought for their right to vote. It’s crazy to say that over one hundred years later, women around the country, and around the world, are still fighting to obtain basic human rights. One of the biggest issues that women around the world are facing today is access to safe and legal abortions. Roe v. Wade was decided upon in America in 1973, and since then many states have been trying to overturn it or make it as difficult as possible for a woman to obtain a safe and legal abortion.

Continue reading RCL 2: Feminism; The Radical Notion That Women are People