Passion blog 1

For my Passion Blog, I would like to either write about serial killers or baking/cooking. Although these two topics seem very different, I enjoy learning about them both, and I feel I could make both exciting and engaging to the audience reading.

If I were to talk about my passion for serial killers, I would find some not-so-popular killers so that it wouldn’t be the same Ted Bundy or The Ripper blog but a blog where both I and others could learn about more serial killers. This would allow me to learn more about the people I would be dealing with in the field I want to end up in the future. It would also keep my blog interesting. People would come to it maybe knowing the name of the person I am talking about but not much else. This blog would have a specific order that every other post would follow, first their childhood, then their first kill, next, their other kills and how they changed or did not change from the first, and lastly, their end story, whether that be life in prison or death.

For my second option, baking or cooking, I would talk about dishes I enjoy making. Over quarantine, like everyone else, I got into baking sourdough. I could talk about my trials and errors in creating a new dish. Also, I could give the recipe for people to make at home if they would like or can do it. A majority of the recipes I have made come from a YouTuber named Joshua Weissman, so that I would be linking a video of his in quite a few of the blog posts. Another thing I could talk about with baking is how it is a stress reliever and how it helped me.

2 comments on “Passion blog 1Add yours →

  1. I just want to start by saying how amazing it is to find someone else that is as interested in the morbid mind of a killer. It’s so messed up but you just can’t help but be fascinated. I think this is such a unique topic, Criminal Minds but with real life examples. I definitely think this could be one of the strongest blog topics and it really sets you apart. Definitely recommend this topic, it would be so fun for you to research and for us to read!
    Baking is always fun. It’s a shared hobby that many people could relate to and learn from. I think this is also a great topic, but to set it apart from baking blogs, I recommend taking a different perceptive than explaining how you baked and the outcomes. Maybe focus on how it felt throughout quarantine to be learning to bake, something that proved to be a light for many in a time of uncertainty and darkness. I’m sure you have many different and unique ideas for your approach if you choose this one!
    One last thing I would like to point out is this: notice how any time a crime documentary or show comes out on Netflix it is always in the top 3? It’s proof that people love to try to understand the things they can’t relate to. That’s why I feel it is the stronger topic. Baking is also great and if you are more passionate about it, I urge you to choose that, but sometimes it is better not to pick the more relatable one.
    No matter what you pick, I’m excited to read it!!

  2. Those are both super interesting ideas, and I like how the blog about serial killers connects to the field you want to work in. I also like how you would focus on not-as-famous serial killers. I think it would also be interesting if you were able to include their motivations and information about their victims.

    As for your second option, I think it’s a good idea, and I would appreciate learning some new recipes. However, it might be kind of difficult to remember everything you made over quarantine and the details about trials and errors. Perhaps you could tweak this idea a little bit and do a series on surprising things you can cook or bake in your dorm (I would greatly appreciate this as I would prefer not to leave my dorm, especially in the winter).

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