RCL Blog #5

Presenting on Thursday was very nerve-racking. I was trying to remember all the information I wanted to present while not having a tone that was too “happy” or be swaying too much to where it looked like I was not taking the topic seriously. I kid you not my apple watch told me I had a high heart rate over 120 until a couple of minutes after I finished my speech. I practiced so much before Thursday but I still feel like it wasn’t that good. I had little sticky notes that reminded me of a couple of words to make sure I stayed on track and they really did help but I still forgot some things that I never forgot when I was practicing.

But, life is life, what’s done is done. Now I just have to hope I don’t fail my first speech! I really don’t think I will. I am too hard on myself but I know it wasn’t a perfect speech and there is definitely room for me to improve. I feel like I took my classmate’s advice and didn’t fidget too much or sway too much which is good. I think I projected well and stood where the camera could record me! I was watching the recording while listening to the speeches and that bugged me so much that the camera couldn’t see people over the podium.

The other people that went Thursday did SO well. Like Roger was so confident and is definitely more comfortable speaking in front of a crowd than me but I strive to have his confidence.

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