RCL Blog #9

  • Pacher, Pal, et al. “Cardiovascular Effects of Marijuana and Synthetic Cannabinoids: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” Nature Reviews Cardiology, vol. 15, no. 3, 2018;2017;, pp. 151-166.

This article will help me use stats to talk about the effects of weed on cardiovascular health. I will be able to use this as one of my main points in both my essay and my TED talk.

  • Hall, W., and Lynskey, M. (2016Evaluating the public health impacts of legalizing recreational cannabis use in the United StatesAddiction1111764– 1773. doi: 10.1111/add.13428.

This article will help me talk about when weed was officially legalized in some parts of the U.S. I will be able to talk about the benefits and downfalls of legalization. I can also talk about the criminal justice system and the “criminals” in because of weed use.

  • Newton‐Howes, Giles. “The Challenges of ‘medical Cannabis’ and Mental Health: A Clinical Perspective.” British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol. 84, no. 11, 2018, pp. 2499-2501.

This article will help me talk about the mental health benefit or downfalls. All drugs have an impact on mental health so this will be another point I can bring up in my TED talk and essay.

2 comments on “RCL Blog #9Add yours →

  1. I really enjoy your topic. I am currently assuming you are siding with the legalization, so I’m excited to see what your main focus of the paper will be. Are you going to have one overarching motif throughout your exploration of the shift in thought? A very strong focus could be criminal charges and how that the numbers are disproportionate across races and socio economic areas. You could even talk about how deep down, governments knew it wasn’t a bath thing, otherwise Presidents wouldn’t frequently pardon individuals who are locked away on drug charges.

  2. I like how each of these sources focuses on a different aspect of what you want to talk about. Legalizing weed has been the topic of discussion for a while, and there’s so many different things to consider. I also like how you’re planning on talking about the criminal justice system, what will happen to those “criminals” if weed gets legalized in their state? How do the stats of African Americans arrested for weed possession compare to those of white people? How harsh is the sentencing for weed possession or selling?

    Also thinking about your topic, I remembered an article/video from the last 2020 election that might be interesting to read: https://www.vox.com/2020/11/13/21560332/weed-won-2020-election.

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