Serial Killer #2: Wayne Boden aka The Vampire Rapist

**Trigger warning: rape and sexual assault are talked about in this blog post**

On January 1, 1948, Wayne Boden was born in Dundas, Ontario. Not much is known about his childhood other than he was quiet and played football in school. In 1969-1971 he started raping and killing women; this was when he got his nickname because he would also bite the breasts of the woman he killed. His first known victim was Shirley Audette, 20, found on October 3, 1969, behind an apartment complex in Montreal. She was found fully clothed, but when she was examined, it had been found that she had been raped, bitten on her breasts, and strangled to death. There were no signs of a struggle. She and her boyfriend lived right next door to Boden.

The second victim was Marielle Archmbault. She left work on November 23 with a man named “Bill” that day and never returned. They said she looked happy that night when going, but she didn’t return in the morning. His employer checked on her the next day because they thought she was unwell. The laundryman let them into Archmbault’s place to find her dead on the couch. She was fully clothed, and the room didn’t look like there was a struggle because the room was tidy. The medical report showed exactly what Audette’s description did.

Jean Way’s boyfriend went to her apartment on January 16, 1970, to pick her up but instead got no response. He came back later to find her naked and dead on the bed, and her door was unlocked. Police believe Boden was in the apartment when Way’s boyfriend came the first time, so he couldn’t complete his routine of biting the breasts and redressing.

Elizabeth Anne Pourteuos, 33, did not work on May 18, 1971. A call was sent to her apartment, and the manager visited her room to find her body on the floor of her bedroom. There were signs of struggle in the apartment, and a  broken cufflink was found under the bed. She was said to be dating a man named “Bill.”

A blue Mercedes was found near the last crime scene, and the mysterious “Bill owned it.” After further investigation, he was found guilty. He was also missing his cufflink. An orthodontist compared his dental records to those found on the body, and they were a match.

He was convicted of rape and murder and was sentenced to three more terms and life in prison. He died in 2006 from skin cancer.

3 comments on “Serial Killer #2: Wayne Boden aka The Vampire RapistAdd yours →

  1. I love how your blog is about not-so-famous serial killers. it is so interesting reading your blog! i love how your blog exposes serious topics, especially about feminism.

  2. This makes me feel so sick. I have never heard of this serial killer and I find his signature moves of biting and redressing to be incredibly disturbing. His fake name “Bill” makes me think he really created a completely different persona and life story to lure these women which is really heartbreaking. I would love to learn more about why he did the things that he did and how he managed to make it look like there was no struggle.

  3. Again, it is so troubling to hear that serial killers often targeted and raped women. I find it so eery that Boden would redress the women every time, like nothing even happened. I hope stories like this bring advocacy towards feminism and ending rape culture.

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