Healthy Beck-Fast

Something that I’ve realized through my first semester here is that some weeks are just hell. As my classes close in on Thanksgiving Break, they have all slightly ramped up the workload, assigning either a large assignment or scheduling an exam this week. So personally, I’m drowning in work this week, and I’m struggling to find a great topic to write about that’s directly related to the Life of a 2020 Penn State Freshman. Instead, I’m going to use this week’s blog to tell you something about myself because this tiring week has drained me of my inspiration and time to think of a relevant topic. With that in mind, I’m going to use the rest of this blog to describe a topic I can write about effortlessly: breakfast. No matter when I wake up, I always make sure to eat some sort of breakfast. It’s my favorite meal of the day, so when it comes to breakfast, I’m an expert. Since arriving at Penn State, I have had time to figure out my favorite breakfast foods

The first of which is cereal. Despite its widespread popularity, I don’t believe cereal is eaten often enough by college students, especially freshmen. Often times, my friends skip eating breakfast to get an extra 20 minutes of sleep before their first class. Personally, skipping breakfast doesn’t work for me, so I always make sure I’m stocked on milk and cereal during the week for a quick breakfast during a busy morning in the dorm. Of the cereals I’ve bought so far in college, my favorites have been Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Frosted Flakes. Although it’s not the most healthy food to start to the day, I find eating cereal to be a much better option than skipping breakfast altogether.

Acai Bowl (4 Easy Recipes!) - Jessica Gavin

In addition to cereal, one of my common breakfasts was an açaí bowl from Findlay Commons. The reason I say “was” and not “is” is because I don’t eat them anymore after an incident a few weeks ago. One time, I got food poisoning from eating an açaí bowl and was throwing up for 4 hours straight from it, so since then, I’ve given the açaí bowls a break. However, before that, they used to be one of my favorite breakfast options because it was a refreshing serving of fruit to start the day. Being a short walk from the dorm, its a great way to start the morning if time allows for it. 

Lastly, my absolute favorite breakfast is making homemade egg sandwiches with my friend in the kitchen of his dorm. Some weekend mornings, we buy eggs, cheese, bacon, and bagels from the market and take the time to cook up breakfast sandwiches for ourselves. Obviously, this is time consuming so we usually only do it on Saturday or Sunday mornings, but its a great way to spend the weekend morning and get a good, home-made breakfast.

This might not have been my most interesting blog post, but in a way it epitomizes the life of a Penn State freshman. This week is a hard week for me, so I needed an easy topic to write about for this blog. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed hearing about my favorite breakfast foods because I sure enjoyed writing about them.

1 thought on “Healthy Beck-Fast

  1. I did enjoy your breakfast post, Keebs. And it made me hungry.
    I too start every morning with cereal, so I feel that connection.
    And of course, Grandpappy and his Cap’n Crunch, don’t try getting between them. Unless you want to fight him.
    Solid effort, it does show a “slice of life” as a freshman. I hope you get to relax for a couple of minutes over Thanksgiving.

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