Passion Post #1: Hidden Waterfall and General Blog Information

Photo taken by Matthew Reczynski

Photo taken by Matthew Reczynski

First things first, all photos (unless otherwise noted) posted on this blog were taken by Matthew Reczynski. All credit goes to him (which is me) and none of the images shall be used without his consent. Now to the actual blog post…

Walking through the woods somewhere in Washington state, the gentle gurgle of a stream could be heard in the distance. Continuing down the small branch littered path, the moss dampens the sound of my boot. It wasn’t long until the gurgle turned into a soft wave like sound and then back to a gentle gurgle. Not seeing the stream once, I was curious about the source of the strange deviation of the noise. I back tracked to when the waves could be heard and looked into the moss covered forest. Making sure that I got my bearings set and made sure no one was looking, I proceeded off the trail towards the noise. After feeling lost for several moments. the sound grew stronger and I found the stream. Following the stream upstream, I came across something that I was not expecting. I was expecting to find some sort of waterfall. But nothing like this.  The picture doesn’t do it justice. Wondering through the woods and getting lost a couple of times gave me time to think. I learned that even though the trail isn’t immediately clear, as long as you have an ultimate goal and dedication, you can make it. I can’t say the trip back was as easy.

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