Effective Fall 2019 for ALL students enrolling in MKTG 495
The marketing internship’s objective is to give marketing majors a chance to participate in a real business environment. To gain the most from this experience, students will rely on the concepts learned in the marketing curriculum’s foundation courses.
- Students must have completed the following:
- MKTG 301, Principles of Marketing
- At least ONE (1) other marketing courses at the 300 or 400 level.
- Students must have declared a marketing major.
- Students must have a minimum GPA in the marketing major of 2.75.
- Degree audit must accompany the proposal form to document GPA and declaration of marketing major.
- Students must submit a complete internship proposal to a potential faculty advisor along with a copy of their latest degree audit.
- A minimum number of 120 hours of field experience is required for three credits.
- Once approved by the faculty advisor, the proposal must be submitted to the Program Director for final approval.
- The BSOB Internship paperwork must be completed before beginning the internship.
- Complete the Registration Drop/Add form found in the BSOB Internship Packet.
Academic Credits:
In most cases, the marketing internship comprises three academic credits. Only in rare circumstances will internships of 6 credits be considered for academic credit.
Suggested Evaluation Components (may vary based on faculty preferences)
Weekly Updates via email 10%
Final Paper 45%
On-site Supervisor Evaluation 45%
Other requirement options may include presentation, portfolio, etc. As such, grading components will be adjusted.
93-100 = A, 90-92.9 = A-, 87-89.9 = B+, 83-86.9 = B 80-82.9 = B-, 877-79.9 = C+, 70-76.9 = C, & <70 = F
Course Requirements:
This course will not be run as a traditional course. There are no lectures, homework, or exams. The body of the course is composed of the individual internship projects that each student will complete. The student and faculty advisor will meet to outline the process, deliverables required, and due dates. Students must keep in mind that BSOB Internships require additional deliverables and documentation of their work effort. These deliverables will take the form of written papers, portfolios, marketing plans, and presentations, depending on the internship’s nature. The sponsoring organization will determine the specification of work times and projects.
Weekly Updates ( 10%) Students are required to send weekly emails to their faculty advisor documenting their internship activities. Emails should be a reflection and observation of their daily work.
Final paper (45%) You are required to submit a well-prepared paper documenting the internship. Papers are to be printed on 8.5”x11” paper, double spaced. All papers should be fully referenced and have page numbers. No page limit is set on this paper’s length, but a minimum of 10 pages seems to be necessary. Please be sure to edit and proofread carefully!
In general, the final paper should combine theory learned in your courses to date with actual applications seen in the workplace. It should also identify problems or concerns seen in the workplace and suggest recommendations for improvement. A suggested format for the paper is as follows:
- The cover page will contain the title of the internship, your name, date, and semester, the sponsoring organization’s name and address, and the internship supervisor’s name, title, and phone number. Also include the dates of the internship here.
- Table of Contents
- The introduction will contain Background information on the sponsoring company (keep it short) and a general overview or framework for your paper.
- Theory and Applications – Relate the work you have done to at least FIVE (5) major marketing concepts you learned in any of your marketing courses (i.e., SERVQUAL, the consumer buying decision process, social marketing issues, PLC, etc.)
- Perceptions – Provide your perceptions of the following:
- What did you contribute to the company?
- What did the company do for you?
- Was the actual internship what you expected?
- Would you recommend this internship to other students?
- References – complete set of references for any citations used in the body of the paper.
On-site Supervisor Evaluation (45%) When the internship is established, the supervising faculty member will contact the On-site supervisor for the internship experience. Throughout the internship, the faculty member will be available to the On-site Supervisor if any problems or concerns develop. The On-Site Supervisor Evaluation Form allows the sponsoring organization to evaluate the student’s performance during the internship period. These evaluations are critical because they affect Penn State Erie’s future placement opportunities with the sponsoring organization.
The School of Business emails the form to the on-site supervisor. Without this form, the student will not be able to obtain a grade for the internship experience.
Due Date of Deliverables:
All deliverables ARE DUE on Monday of the last week of classes.