Developed a mobile-friendly web-app for showcasing the Fasenmyer Senior Design Conference.


Team Members

Shayra Delgado | Andrew Darby | Manjit Singh | Corey Carter |

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Project Summary



Penn State Behrend School of Engineering (SoE) organizes an annual Fasenmyer Senior Design Conference (FEDC) to showcase engineering senior capstone projects. Our team along with Penn State’s SoE have developed a mobile-friendly web-app for the FEDC.


Our objectives were to enable admins and users by making a mobile friendly website that is easy to maintain and interact with. In-depth admin features, that allow for easy updating and editing. Search and filter by projects, students, sponsors, or advisors. A custom scheduler with easy editing, filtering, and updates. An interactive map, with presentation info and indoor navigation.


  • Gathered the SOE’s requirements using various elicitation interview techniques.
  • Gathered requirements and formulated our primary project milestones.
  • From the milestones our team used the Jira project management website to generate an Agile project management
  • Our agile plan involved generating Epics, tasks, and stories to manage our repository (repo) for our code.
  • The project repo set-up allowed everyone to develop our portions of the project simultaneously and maintain code quality.
  • The team used a Pull-Request system that required manual code reviews/executions of our sections by other team members before deploying
  • The web-app was tested pre and post deployment with unit, integration, and system


The web-app will allow for real-time updates, time and money savings for the SOE and interactive features for conference attendees. Additionally, the mobile friendly web-app will have boarder impacts outside the SOE. Some of which include:

  • Assists capstone students with future employment.
  • Will help attract future sponsors.
  • Improves college recruiting and retention.
  • Easier to attract and increase endowments.
  • Eco-friendlier and Penn State Behrend cost savings – less paper waste and printing, due to no pamphlets.