Projects in Biology II – Oral
Isolation and Characterization of High Sugar-Tolerant Osmophilic Bacteria
Jason Rettger | (Rajinikanth Mohan) | Mercyhurst University Microbiology – Biology II Oral 02-10O
Cactus Roots Harbor an Endophytic Growth Promoting Pseudomonas Species
Isabella Foriska | Collin Olson | (Rajinikanth Mohan) | Mercyhurst University Microbiology – Biology II Oral 02-09O
Evaluating round goby’s use of Lake Erie’s tributaries using otolith elemental analysis
Greg Lemke | (Sam Nutile) (Adam Simpson) (Lynne Beaty) | Penn State Behrend Ecology – Biology II Oral 02-08O
Effects of Selfing and Outcrossing on Transgenerational Responses to Predation Risk
Haley Altadonna | (Lynne Beaty) | Penn State Behrend Ecology – Biology II Oral 02-07O
Census of the Bat Population of Gannon University, Erie, PA
Sarah Till Kira Armstrong | Lauren Buzard, Della Mamani | (Stephen Ropski) | Gannon University Zoology – Biology II Oral 02-06O
When a duck nests on your green roof… AGAIN
Lauren Buzard | Cassandra Froehlich | (Stephen Ropski) | Gannon University Zoology – Biology II Oral 02-05O
Analysis of metals in tissues of round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus), sediments, and water at five sites in Erie County, Pennsylvania
Alex Chelton | Maggie Greenfield | (Gregory Andraso) (Russel Minton) | Gannon University Ecology – Biology II Oral 02-04O
Test of the River Continuum Concept in Stream Orders of Varying Human Impact
Katherine Mowry | (Matthew Venesky) (Lee Demi) | Allegheny College Ecology – Biology II Oral 02-03O
Effects of Stream Crossing Type on Fish Assemblages and Stream Ecosystem Conditions
Grace Camarata | (Mark Kirk) | Allegheny College Environmental Science – Biology II Oral 02-02O
Bottom-Up Effects of Increased Sedimentation on Brown Trout (/Salmo trutta/) Fisheries
Eden Brody | (Mark Kirk) (Casey Bradshaw-Wilson) | Allegheny College Ecology – Biology II Oral 02-01O