
Education in Belgium is much more rigorous than here in the United States. After first hand interviewing somebody from Belgium it is evident that our school system is more lenient and less strict. Not only do they take more difficult classes, but they are in school for more years than in the United States.  The structure of the schooling goes preschool, primary, secondary and higher education.

Preschool generally begins at age 2 to 3 years old and then goes up to the age of 6. In preschool simple skills are taught such as cognitive thinking skills, expressive skills, and imaginative skills.  Preschool is not something that is necessary, however the majority of the population enrolls their children into preschool.

Primary Schooling
Primary schooling is attended at the age of 6 years old for 6 years until they are 12 years old. Classes taught during these six years are basic education like mathematics, reading, writing. Language is also taught during these six years. History and geography is taught in a second language. What language is taught at the school relates to which region of Belgium the school is in. Whether it be the French (Wallonia) section, German (Liege) section, or the Dutch (Flanders/Brussels) section.

Belgium, showing three separate sections

Belgium, showing the three separate sections of Wallonia, Flanders, and Liege.

Secondary Schooling
This part of the education process is normally when the child is 12 years old and takes place for 6 years. Which will make graduating at 18 years of age. Here at this level is where the student chooses which path they would like to follow and the classes will reflect. Humanities, technical, artistic and vocational are the four branches that the student gets to decide from.

Higher Education
This is what would be considered college in the U.S. Colleges and Universities are divided into the three regions of Belgium and normally if one went to previous schooling in that region then he or she will stay in that region considering that their original language is more active in the region.

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