In the time of the coronavirus and self-quarantine (😷), I, like many others, have been filling a lot of my free time by watching movies (yesterday I had a glitch with Hulu, and I highly suspect it was due to too many people being on the platform at once). With an abundance of new-found free time and an aversion to going out, learning more about film and cinematography doesn’t seem like a terrible way to spend my time.
I’m making it my goal to watch, and re-watch the ones I’ve already seen, the ‘50 Best Movies of All Time’, according to USA Today. I want to watch them with the intent of getting to the bottom of why film critics and movie-watchers alike all agree that these are great films. While I’ve already seen a significant number of these movies, I think this will be a fun new perspective through which to watch them.
My favorite movie of all-time, “The Godfather”, ranked number one on USA Today’s ranking, making their list seem the most credible to me 😂. The second installment, “The Godfather: Part II”, ranked in a similarly, in my eyes, fitting position at number two on the list. (In my household we refuse to acknowledge the existence of the other nameless movie, and thankfully this list did too)
From now until when finals week would have ended (RIP in-person classes, Hello Zoom University), there are seven weeks. That means that I have to watch approximately one of these movies a day in order to finish by the end of the semester. I’m excited to see what new movies I fall in love with, which oldies but goodies I get to enjoy again, and, most importantly, how long I can go in relative social isolation without going crazy!
Stay healthy and stay safe PSU.