Blog 4 – Policy Brief Ideas

The issue I want to address in my brief is coal mining in eastern Kentucky. I went on a service-learning trip to Harlan, Kentucky where I got to learn a lot about the history of coal mining in the region as well as current practices. This trip really impacted me, and I want to learn […]

Reflection on Deliberations

For the deliberation that I was a part of hosting, I think we were successful at following a lot of Gastil’s criteria on deliberation. For the purposes of this reflection, I am going to focus on the two strongest facets of our deliberation and what I think our biggest shortcoming was.   One of our biggest strengths was creating […]

Part II: Private Schools and School Vouchers

Private schools are much more well-known and understood than charter schools, so I won’t spend that much time explaining what they are and how they work, but for more reading click here. Note: For the sake of this blog series I’m going to be talking about private schools and religiously affiliated private schools separately. So, let’s dive in.   […]

School Choice: Charter Schools

My civic issues blog is going to cover the extremely sexy topic of school choice. Okay, okay, not such a glamorous topic, but this issue is something that’s extremely important to me. I personally have benefitted from school choice, having attended a charter school when I was younger, and I credit it with setting me […]