The Kidnapping of Sabrina Aisenberg

Sabrina Paige Aisenberg was born to her parents Marlene and Steve Aisenberg on June 27, 1997 in Tampa, Florida. Sabrina went missing when she was just five months old, after being kidnapped from her crib in the middle of the night.

According to Marlene, she had woken up the morning of November 24th and noticed that the laundry room door that leads to the garage had been opened. When she checked the bedroom, she had noticed that her daughter Sabrina had been taken from her crib. The case quickly attracted attention and became a major crime scene as the news of the kidnapping sent shocks through the community.

However, something seemed off about this case. The Aisenbergs had left open the garage door overnight and the door to get inside of the house could have also been unlocked, as there was no sign of an intruder. This turn of events caused for Steve and Marlene Aisenberg to become main suspects in the disappearance of their own daughter. Although a blonde hair and an unidentified shoeprint had been found in Sabrina’s room, suspicion was still on the the Aisenbergs. The FBI had taken several items from the home for examination and analysis including her bedding and crib.

While the analysis was taking place, Marlene and Steve Aisenberg made a public appeal in hopes of their daughter Sabrina’s safe return home. During this time, they were seen on camera leaving the house smiling and their appeal became suspicious. To prove their innocence, the couple agreed to take polygraph tests and Marlene claimed that her results were inconclusive due to being hysterical and traumatized by the situation of her daughter getting kidnapped.

The Aisenbergs remained the prime suspects for the majority of the investigation of the case, however they continuously denied having anything to do with the disappearance of their five month old daughter. Although this case has remained unsolved, Marlene and Steve were arrested and charged with conspiracy, lying to investigators, and giving false information in 1999. This was after investigators claimed to have recorded conversations of the two saying, “The baby’s dead and buried!” and “It was found dead because you did it!…” all apparently said by Steve. Two years later, all charges were dropped against them as a judge claimed that prosecutors misrepresented the case.

In 2003, there was a girl found in Illinois that appeared to be Sabrina, but it was proven not to be her after DNA testing. In 2017, a women was found and contacted by the Aisenberg’s through Facebook and it is believed that this woman is actually Sabrina Aisenberg.

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