As a country we have become dependent on oil and gas as a resource for energy for power plants to heating in homes. Oil and gas, however, are nonrenewable resources and our overuse of them are limiting the resource as well as endangering out environment.
The newly developed and common ways to receive these resources is through fracking (hydraulic fracturing) and offshore drilling.
Fracking is the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks or boreholes. The liquid mixture includes sand, chemicals(diesel fuel, acids, and acetone), and millions of gallons of water. This is done to force open, and keep open, existing fissures and extract oil or gas. Today, more than 90% of United State’s oil and gas comes from fracking wells.
Offshore drilling is the process of extracting gas from rock formations under the ocean floor. In order to reach the rocks large infrastructure must be built. In addition, because the drilling must be so deep, there is high risks of oil spills.
The way we obtain oil and gas is extremely harmful to the environment, wildlife and even our communities. Since the Trump administration has taken office these harmful methods have increased as has risk to our water.
Not only does fracking and offshore drilling have the high potential of polluting our waters, it pollutes water in local communities. More than 12 million people live within 1/2 mile of these 1.3 million oil and gas facilities. Fracking especially is known to contaminate drinking water as the chemicals can easily be spread into the drinking wells.
Not only are we paying the price for our pollution, we also disturb the wildlife. Oil spills from offshore drilling destroy the sea animals and coral. There have recently been 2,834 oil spills reported by the Center for Western Priorities. In addition, fracking and offshore drilling are often set up near wildlife. The animals in their homes can easily be disrupted by the human traffic and scared by the loud noises. Many of the landscapes and prairies that these animals find shelter in have been converted to drilling sites filled with massive infrastructure as well. This has greatly diminishing the vegetation and the habitats.
Lastly, the emissions from oil and gas extractions also contribute to the growing threat of climate change. Most of the dirty emissions come from these fossil fuels and the United States is one of the top emitters. There are much more ways to obtain clean energy than these dangerous and harmful ways.
I had no idea that we were so dependent on this fracking method. I am definitely interested in learning more about fracking since we are so dependent on it. There certainly seems to be a lot of negative consequences to this method I wonder why it is so popular?
Fracking is such an important topic that gets overlooked in the current discussion of climate change. If we are looking to make Earth more inhabitable it’s important that we look to finding/perfecting renewable sources.
I thought your article was very informative and defined some key concepts that arise when talking about non-renewable resources.