Divisive Leadership

For the record before I begin, there may be some opinion or bias present in this post. I will state that I try to have a middle ground perspective and see both sides. I am for the record a Republican but not one that will be voting for Trump and what I will discuss in this post is a large reason why.

We are currently living in a time that will be in history books for centuries. We are going through a pandemic as well as protests and riots over the racial inequalities still present in our country. In times like these it is all the more important to have strong leadership that is able to unify rather than divide.

The most beautiful thing about our country is the vast variety of cultures and perspectives present within our borders. As the President of the United States it is your job to best represent the country as a whole including all differing perspectives and cultures. At the moment we have a President whose rhetoric does not represent this idea.

Trump often refers to this “Us versus them rhetoric” This type of speech can be interpreted in a multitude of ways. Often when he uses this sort of rhetoric he is making reference to the “extreme left” as he puts it or referring to protestors fighting for equality. This type of speech whether you agree with his sentiment or not is divisive at it’s core, it is further dividing our parties and our country as a whole.

“In a Pew Research Center survey published in June, 55% of those surveyed say Trump has changed the tone of political debate for the worse, while only 24% say he has changed it for the better.”

The survey- https://www.people-press.org/2019/06/19/trumps-impact-on-the-tone-of-political-debate-important-characteristics-for-elected-officials/

Here are some statements he has made and you can interpret them yourself

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” – Trump tweeted.

He is referring to democratic congressmen and women.

“You know what else they say about my people? The polls, they say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like incredible.”

-Trump referring to his supporters as “my people”

These kind of statements have become an accepted part of the President, and that is not a good thing.

Rhetoric can do a lot more than policy, because although I am a republican and agree with a good amount of his policies I can not support a leader who feeds off of further dividing our country. Even some of our most respected military leaders (the military being largely a republican infrastructure) have come out and sated their disapproval with some of his statements.

“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who…tries to divide us.”

– General James Mattis

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This is coming from Trumps currents secretary of defense (although he has still shown support for Trump) he sates that Trump is the first President in his lifetime who has not tried to unite the American people.

“It is imperative that we stop Trump’s assault on our nation’s values and institutions and reinstate the moral foundations of our democracy.”

– General Michael Hayden

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Although this division of our parties and country is not just on the hands of Trump, he has used the division and anger present in our country to fuel his campaign. He is an example of how powerful rhetoric can be. Getting him out of office won’t solve our countries division but hopefully we can start brining people back together. I will also discuss next week more on the differing perspectives fueling the changes in our party. Although you may disagree with them, Trumps supporters have a perspective too and as a country we need to address the needs of all our citizens even ones with a different perspective.

3 thoughts on “Divisive Leadership”

  1. I’m glad to hear the perspective of a republican who doesn’t support Donald Trump because being part of a party doesn’t mean you have to support that party’s candidate (for example, I am a democrat but I don’t like Biden…I’ll be voting for him because he’s better than Trump but I don’t like him). I absolutely agree that Trump divides our country, and I’m glad you brought up some of the things he’s said (or tweeted), because personally I am shocked every time I scroll through his Twitter. I can’t believe he gets away with saying these things, and is supported for them. I’d love to see you elaborate on why you believe his supporters don’t mind when he says things like “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” and calling veterans “suckers” and “losers,” and “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter perhaps I’d be dating her,” and “Grab ’em by the pussy,” and…I could go on. I’m not against a republican president in general, but the things Trump gets away with saying (and doing) frightens me.
    Also, I’d love to see you reminding people to vote in one of your blog posts, since people our age are the least likely to vote! 🙂

  2. As a republican I will have to agree with you there and say certain things he does and says that are completely out of line that make you question why he is the President. Even though I am of age to vote I probably won’t be voting this candidacy.

  3. What a peculiar way to lead our country. By dividing us. Our country is founded off the principles of freedom, opportunity and unity. The “United States” implies that we are a nation of very diverse states which all come together and allow themselves to be ruled by one centralized government, and also their own state governments. On our dollar bill it says “E pluribus unum” meaning out of many we are one. It is great that you are advocating for more unity. Obviously there is bias in this post but I believe a United nation is something that most people should be able to get behind and support.

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