Student Recommendations–Articles

Opinion | Megan Thee Stallion: Why I Speak Up for Black Women - The New York Times




“Meghan Thee Stallion: Why I Speak Up for Black Women” By Meghan Thee Stallion is an opinion piece written by well-known entertainer Meghan Thee Stallion addressing why the stance and activist movement to “Protect Black Women” should not be deemed controversial. Accompanied by a video, Stallion reflects on incidents in her life, being a black woman in the media, as well as expressing her concerns for the mistreatment of black women with ideas on how to combat those issues.

Citation: Stallion, Megan Thee. “Megan Thee Stallion: Why I Speak Up for Black Women.” International New York Times, 15 Oct. 2020, p. NA. Gale In Context: Global Issues Accessed 24 Oct. 2020.

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