Who We Are

“Not One More Child Lost to Violence!”

The Berks Youth Violence Intervention and Prevention (BeYViP) Program is a collaborative effort between Penn State Berks, RIZE and the Berks Youth Anti-Violence Alliance. The program serves youth and young adults ages 14-21 using an evidence-based, public health approach to curing violence. Specifically, BeYViP provides intense support for youth with the highest risk of engaging in violence, empowers credible messengers (persons who have influence in the community) and other residents as peacemakers who are trained to intervene and deescalate conflicts that could lead to violence, and working to change communal norms that make violence an acceptable response to conflict. These strategies are employed without the threat of punishment or an increase in policing. This work is done in collaboration with our Youth Anti-Violence Alliance comprised of community agencies and organizations, faith communities, juvenile courts and schools in order to reduce the duplication of services, promote information sharing, and better connect youth to community resources from which they may benefit. Together we can ensure that not one more child is lost to violence in our community!

BeYViP is launching the “This is My Story” project to highlight the experiences of Berks County residents who have been impacted by violence, and the ways in which BeYViP is helping to transform the lives of individuals and the community.

Our Mission

The Berks Youth Violence Intervention and Prevention Program exists to stop the epidemic of violence among youth in Berks County through targeted intervention for high-risk youth, empowering community members to deescalate conflict that could lead to violence and changing community norms about violence. We are working to build an alliance between community organizations and government agencies to share data and best practices, as well as provide mutual support.

Our Vision

To foster communal responsibility for imagining and creating a community where children can grow, learn, and create free from the impacts of violence. Our prophetic proclamation is “Not One More Child Will Be Lost to Violence in our Community.”