Changing Community Norms

Studies show that community cultures can encourage and permit violence to exist as a response to various social stimuli such as poverty, isolation and interpersonal conflict. When this happens violent community norms may develop. Norms refers to patterns of social behavior that are typical or expected in a group or community. Anti-violence practitioners and academic researchers agree that high rates of violence persist in communities with violence-perpetuating norms. These norms can become so powerful that they influence behavior even among community residents who don’t ascribe to violence. Young people may be especially vulnerable to these norms for their own protection and to gain acceptance. When violent norms become prevalent, a culture of violence develops.

3Violence is not inevitable when new norms displace norms of violence. BeYViP is working to dismantle community norms that encourage violence using a multi-pronged campaign of youth-centered programming (i.e. Solidarity Camp, Youth Summit, Berks4Peace Wek), anti-violence messaging in public spaces, community events, and training for key stakeholders (clergy, coaches, youth workers and school personnel). Click Here to learn more about changing community norms. (will lead to handout)