Social Media, Who? An Analysis of the Role of Social Media in Authoritarian Regimes

In our modern society, social media acts both as an information and opinion sharing platform; a space for people to both learn and educate others on topics that are ongoing in our society. However, in many authoritarian governments, such as those located in the countries North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Syria, people have little-to-no access to the internet and social media, causing them to live in a world of disinformation and unintentional ignorance to important issues that must be addressed.

In many authoritarian governments, there is little that can be done to help those who are unable to have full access to information about both other countries and their own society. Authoritarian governments, such as that in North Korea, not only hide information from citizens but take pride in the fact that they have complete control over both the volume and type of information that is accessible to those residing in the country. One of the things that we can do while living in a country that allows for easy access to the internet and social media is both advocate and inform on the situations that occur within these governments.

As the United States is one of the greatest world powers, our government could work towards enticing governments to allow freer internet access by using trade, resources, and military incentives to encourage countries, if not minimally force them to un-restrict their internet and social media access. Many authoritarian countries not only hinder the ability of their citizens to gain rightful information but for those who are given internet access, the information is seriously censored, with only positive – and mainly false – stories about both the government and its leaders being visible to citizens. Many people are either unaware of what is happening to them in these countries, while others are content since they believe there is nothing they can do in order to change it.


2 thoughts on “Social Media, Who? An Analysis of the Role of Social Media in Authoritarian Regimes

  1. Hi Brett,

    I appreciate your take and perspective in your post. I’m glad that you pointed out that those fortunate enough to have some access to the internet in some of these countries, the information that is being provided is, as you put it, “seriously censored,” consisting of mainly false stories.
    The contrast is quite remarkable, where we often find ourselves complaining about how much access we have, how many opinions and perspectives get thrown out there. At the same time, some can’t even formulate something that simple.

    Great post, definitely a lot to process here!

  2. Hi Brett,

    You made a really great post about social media and how it impacts authoritarian regimes. One thing I really liked about your post was that you offered solutions of how the US can help these other countries who have a limited access to internet and who are severely censored.

    I think as United States citizens, we need to be award of what is going on in these other countries to ensure that it does not happen to us. However, I think that is hard because people usually only talk about the weapons in North Korea, or the oil in Syria, so I think half the battle is just getting the conversation started, then allowing it to gain some momentum.

    Overall, you had a great post with a lot of great points!

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