Pitching Blog Ideas

I have 2 ideas for my passion blogs. My first idea is to make a series of blogs about the carrier highlights of NBA superstars and how they grew. In this blog I wasn’t thinking much about their mentality and how they became what they became, but instead like a run down of history (Your ideas taht you gave in class seemed much better). My second idea was supposed to be called happy accidents. It basically revolves around the idea that there is no such thing as a mistake. All mistakes are happy accidents and that they are there to teach a person something to grow on. I was going to use personal examples in it. Most of my examples are quite funny instead of sad (because I take them as funny accidents that make me laugh instead of a memory that makes me sad). Picking between these two is where I am stuck. The second idea will be really difficult to write 500 words on for each incident, but I don’t know, maybe it can go well.

One thought on “Pitching Blog Ideas”

  1. Hey Bhavik!
    My name is Victoria Purchase, and I am your TA for RCL this semester. I’m looking forward to meeting you in class soon! For now, I will mostly interact with you over your blog. So far, it looks really great, and I like both of your topics. Seemingly, you went with the basketball one as I saw you posted about Kobe Bryant. Either one is/will be a solid choice. Looking forward to reading more. -VP

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