Unit 2 Project Topics

My favorite Ted Talk


Topic 1: Why am I always short on time?

This is something that I have been struggling with ever since I got into college. I have tried a lot of things like writing a schedule for my everyday routine, making a list of things I need to do in the day, and planning when and how to do future or upcoming tasks of my classes. I am usually able to stay ahead of time, but what happens is that if I just mess up my schedule for 1 day, the mess trickles down and ruins my whole week. 

I would like to research and discuss ways that accomplished men and women around the world have found ways around this problem and also some things that I have learned so far by testing new things in my daily life. 

The argument presented will be how organization and consistency can increase productivity and success greatly in one’s life. 

Topic 2: “If you’re born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s not your mistake.” by Bill Gates

This is a quote that I read at a very young age and it seemed so logical the first time I heard it. However, as years passed by I started to question this quote more and more. The fact that this quote is from Bill Gates, one of the richest men in the world who is also self made, adds quite a lot of gravity to the quote, but are all poor people just poor simply because they are not trying enough?

I want to explore how much luck and community support matters when it comes to someone’s success. How racial, sexual, cultural, and simply good timings also account in to some persons success and not just hardwork. 

I would like to research the lives as well of some successful people and find maybe what key moments led to their success and how the key moments wouldn’t exist if they were someone else or it happened sometime else. 

My argument would be that it is truly unfair to judge someone simply based on their success without looking at the set of unique struggles that they have to face in their life.


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