Ted Talk reflection and Public Controversy project Ideas

I believe that my Ted talk went quite well. It took a lot of practice and I was able to get it through in one try, but it would have been better if I added more energy and enthusiasm to it. I did everything I had practiced, the hand gestures, the tone changes, and the moving doing specific parts, but I prepared so much for it that when preforming I was out of my zone and was more focused on getting a list of things done. Though I did get everything I wanted across and everyone was attentive, if the speech had been longer, this method would have been unviable for 2 reasons. The first is that it gets to overwhelming to memorize everything. The second is that it starts sounding robotic. Next time I will be more attentive of that.

As for the Public controversy project, I wanted to do very silly and ridiculous topics, but after discussing with my group I know what to do for the project. We are quite solid on the idea of researching on “the war on drugs” for now and I am planning on doing the background and history research for the team. I want to look into how this issue initially sprouted and how did the 2 opposing sides emerge in the first place.

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