Ideas for my blogs

This I Believe ideas:

My whole life I have feared uncertainty. I have never been able to deal with not knowing what to do because of the risks that comes with it. To deal with this fear I keep on planning in all directions and when things don’t go the way I planned I freak out. I believe that uncertainty and risk is beautiful as it makes life seem less predetermined and patterned and also full of rush.

I believe that one doesn’t need to have all the material in the world to be happy, but simply needs to feel happy on the inside.

Civic Issues ideas:

How countries are addressing food insecurity through redistribution

The impacts of consistent economic growth on environment of our planet.

Passion ideas:

The happiness of the olden days and the advancement of the modern days.

Exploring the ideal way to study in college.

3 thoughts on “Ideas for my blogs”

  1. Hi Bhavik,
    It looks like you have a base idea for your blog which is great. It seems a bit vague so maybe it would be beneficial to find a specific instance where you were faced with uncertainty. I think the way you deal with uncertainty is a great way to show the audience your identity. For your civic issue, I think either the topic of world hunger or economic growth could be a topic to explore further. I personally think that economic growth could be an interesting one because there are multiple perspectives you could draw on there. For your passion blog, I think either one sounds good. For the development one, it might be really interesting to see how happiness factors for different countries have been affected by development and seeing why that is. For the studying one, it may be interesting to explore different study habits each week.

  2. I relate to your fear of uncertainty quite a bit. I value control and when things end up in a way I don’t expect, it’s pretty scary to me. I think you can make your “This I Believe” podcast stronger by narrowing in on a certain event or example in your life that demonstrates this fear of uncertainty. Good luck!

  3. I’m not exactly sure what you’re referring to when you say RCL Ideas. I think you’re talking about your “this I believe” project. If that’s the case, I think you have two interesting ideas to explore. Make sure to have some personal stories you can use to demonstrate how those beliefs have impacted your life. For Your civic issues blog, I think you may find more success by framing your topics a little differently. Rather than a question form, maybe you could explore “How countries are addressing food insecurity through redistribution”. Similar to your civic issues blog, I think you have interesting ideas, but they may be easier to explore if you reframe them. I especially like your first idea, which is kind of like “things that were better the old fashion way”.

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