Evaluating the deliberation

I enjoyed my deliberation and I got to learn a lot working with my team. What went very well in our team was time management and division of work. We were constantly checking the total work left and the total time left. This helped us strategize our days and made the project much more doable and smooth. Another strong area of our group was communication. We all respected each others’ ideas and shared our research with one another openly, enriching everyone’s knowledge and making the project more thorough. Finally our presentation and the deliberation itself went quite well. We had planned earlier how much time we are willing to advocate towards each topic in our deliberation and what questions were we going to ask. This ensured that there are no times when no one has nothing to say and that there is always some idea to talk about.

One thing that we could improve on would be getting everyone in the team to work. One of our team member was not actively participating in the project. We all gave assignments to each other, but whenever a member did not do their part we all had to find ways to do it for them without messing up the group’s timeline. Next time what we can maybe do is get members aware of the fact that it is quite noticeable when someone does not participate actively.  Another thing we could have done better is motivate everyone to talk in the deliberation and not just have a few individuals dominate. We were happy to hear what the audience that spoke had to say, but if more people had talked, more ideas could have been shared.

In general though the audience had a positive feedback about the deliberation.

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