Fluid Petri Nets for the Performance Evaluation of Map-Reduce and Spark Applications
Big Data applications allow to successfully analyze large amounts of data not necessarily structured, though at the same time they present new challenges. For example, predicting the performance of frameworks such as Hadoop and Spark can be a costly task, hence the necessity to provide models that can be a valuable support for designers and developers. Big Data systems are becoming a central force in society and the use of models can also enable the development of intelligent systems providing Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees to their users through runtime system reconfiguration. This paper provides a new contribution in studying a novel modeling approach based on fluid Petri nets to predict MapReduce and Spark applications execution time which is suitable for runtime performance prediction. Models have been validated by an extensive experimental campaign performed at CINECA, the Italian supercomputing center, and on the Microsoft Azure HDInsight data platform. Results have shown that the achieved accuracy is around 9.5% for Map Reduce and about 10% for Spark of the actual measurements on average.